#ZineWriMo Day 9: NaNoZine!

Hello and happy Friday, zine friends! I’m glad it’s Friday. While it doesn’t have the same connotations for me as a lot of other people, I still enjoy it. Even moreso because it has been a beautiful and sunny day here at Murray Bridge.

Onto today’s prompt!

Make a zine: NaNoZine! Make a zine full of words

Because November is also National Novel Writing Month, I originally decided to turn chapter one of my novel into a mini-zine. However, the more I got to thinking about words in general, the more I started thinking about the quotes I’ve collected.

Yep. I collect quotes.

Whether I’m passing by a stranger and they say something that stands out to me or a friend says something I just *have* to write down, I enjoy ‘collecting’ quotes and have done so for years. Yes, years.

With that in mind, I decided to make this mini:

This mini features some of the quotes from my collection because why not? Words are funny things, and I enjoyed making this – even the little doodle backgrounds. I’ll be uploading a short video on my Instagram account as soon as I post this in case you’d like to take a peek a the inside.

How’d you go with the ‘zine full of words’ prompt?

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines