Catching Up: #ZineWriMo Day 23: Celebrate Friends

Hello and happy weekend, zine friends. I’m catching up on the prompt I missed yesterday…

Make a Zine: Celebrate an awesome person in your life by making a mini-zine about them

You can see a video flip through of the zine on my Instagram.

I originally planned to make a heap of these because I know so many amazing, wonderful people – and I plan to in the future! – but I knew if I only had the time to make one today, I’d be making one for this lady. We’ve known each other for over a decade, and she’s just plain amazing.

As I mentioned yesterday, this is an idea I got from Kari Tervo. We’re friends on Facebook (I’m Jaime Nyx there, by the way, if you care to be FB friends), and I saw a while back that she had made a very cool zine for Miss Muffcake about how Miss Muffcake is a really cool person. How fun is that! Talk about spreading the sunshine and making someone’s day brighter.

Did you get the chance to make a zine for an awesome person in your life? Let me know it the comments!

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines