Aaaaaand hello again! I am back once more with the prompt for today…
Make a profile at or make sure your profile is up to date
This is absolutely a nod to the same prompt that appears in the International Zine Month list because I feel the Zine Wiki is a great resource that more people need to know about. While not all the information is up to date, that’s pretty much part and parcel of the zineverse anyway. It can still be a great way to find out more about various zines and zinemakers.
In fact, sometimes the Zine Wiki page is the only easily found page for some zines and zinemakers. (Says she who tries to include at least one link with every zine review.)
This is my page, if you’d like to see an example without needing to leave this post. Haha. Building a page on the wiki system is pretty easy once you get used to it, but if you have any trouble, you can feel free to let me know. I’ll do my best to get things sorted for you. 🙂
If you have a wiki page, let me know in the comments so I can check it out.
Check out the full list of daily prompts here.
*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines