International Zine Month Day 10 – Write to a Zinemaker

Hello, dear and wonderful zine friends!

I’m thinking zine friend Hadass really has the smart way of it by writing a weekly round up blog post covering International Zine Month fun rather than posting every day. Haha.

Admin got the best of me yesterday, and I missed posting here. However, one thing I did do was send out a zine order to the amazing aforementioned zine-making Hadass. Another thing I did was mail out a package of goodness to my amazing zine-making friend Black Wolf! The fun with that one is that her birthday is coming up* so she got pressies as well.

So do zine-making mail sends make up for not writing a letter? I hope so. Haha.

I’m taking my own advice for today and not stressing about something that is meant to be fun. So no stress, and yay for fun mail!

That will be me, but only for a little while. There’s a review to come.

Until then…

*Fun fact – Black Wolf and I have five days different between our birthdays, and our partners have birthdays that are also only five days apart. O_O Spooooky.

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!