Zine Review: Why I Should Love Myself

Why I Should Love Myself
Ryan Pocket Thoughts

Why I Should Love Myself is an 11cm x 9 cm full-colour mini-zine about the awesomeness of a person… and how that doesn’t always translate into how the person sees themselves.

Why I Should Love Myself is a zine that is a little difficult to discuss fully without spoiling it completely to pieces, but I suspect I may sort of do that anyway. This little zine took me on such a road. I smiled as the list of illustrated reasons said person should love themselves only to be reminded at the end that often the loveliest people struggle with self-love.

I keep wondering if Ryan made this for someone specific, but then… it resonates so much with me. I know so many people who are absolutely awesome and lovely who don’t see themselves the way I do. I think that’s why the last page in this zine hit me squarely in my fluffy heart.

Ryan’s art is wonderful as always. Black and white or colour, I’ll always enjoy his work.

I have to point out the back of this mini, which I think is a great idea. It has Ryan’s various socials and sites clearly printed around mini pictures of some of his zines. It reminds me of the books I’d read as a kid that had the rest of the series in with an order form on the last page. But I’m nosy like that and like to know about people’s other zines.

Why I Should Love Myself is a very sweet (yet bittersweet) zine that I’m glad to have in my collection. I think a lot of people should pick up.