Mini Zine(s) Review – Full Disclosure 1-3

Full Disclosure 1-3
Hadass Bar Lev

Full Disclosure 1-3 is a full-colour set of three A7 mini-zines, each of which is based on a prompt from a friend. These minis were mad as part of ZineWriMo 2019 (the prompts list set by yours truly).

Full Disclosure 1 takes on the topic of being Jewish and living in Israel, 2 takes on motherhood, and 3 takes on Hadass’ zine origins. Each zine is a short read but an interesting one, and I am grateful to know more about someone I consider to be a friend.

I love the ‘prompted by friends’ type of zine because you never know what people would like to know about you, and you never know what you have yet to learn about people you know. Hadass’ layout for these zines is simple and easy to read – each like a mini-perzine.

I found all three minis equally interesting on different levels. I enjoyed learning more about Hadass and also enjoyed Hadass writing voice, which is full of metal and strength. Each mini left me more interested to read the next – the set making me eager to dive into her other zines.

Hadass is always great about including ‘loud and clear’ socials, which is very much appreciated.

I can see this set of zines being a great first step to people not only being introduced to Hadass as a person but to her fun, badass style. I quite enjoyed them all and hope to see an extension of this set into a series come ZineWriMo 2020.