International Zine Month Day 15: Free Zine Day

Hello, zine friends, and happy mid-week to you all! And best wishes for improvement if the mid-week is less than happy for you. Today we have a lovely zine prompt that I really adore….

Today’s prompt:

Free Zine Day! Offer your zine for free online

Free zine day! Sharing is caring and some other lovely rhymes about spreading the zine love! Usually I offer to send a few physical copies of my zines out. Postage and mail delays being what they are, I’ve decided to try to give something new a chance… Let’s hope this works!

This link I’m about to put should make it easy (and free!) to get a digital copy of… drumroll…

Dear Anonymous 1

It *should* also be printable, so if you can print in A5, have fun!

I’ve had some problems in the past when it comes to digital versions of my zines and other people’s behaviour. But it has been a long time, and I like giving way too must to let the past keep me down for long! I hope the link works. I haven’t shared a digital download (outside of distro items) like this on the blog before. If you do have any troubles with it, let me know. You can always email me at

That’s me for today, dear zine friends! Until next time… spread a little sunshine.


You can pop over here for the 2020 IZM list of daily activities by Alex Wrekk. (Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!)

Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you’re joining in. I’ll keep a growing list on each post so we can all check out what each other are doing.