Hello, zine friends. Welcome to a brand new, shiny week. (If your week starts on a Monday.) While I didn’t get to put up a Happy Mail video, I did get to do today’s ZineWriMo prompt…
Sharing is Caring – Show off your creative space
I’d like to make a full zine cave tour video when I have things more organised, but here is the main space in the room where I spend the majority of my time. I consider myself very lucky to have so much space to work, create, game. relax, so on and so forth. (I even got the desk super cheap secondhand! Thank you community buy/swap/sell pages.)
This also features a rare instance of my computer actually working. Hahaha.
Have you shared your creative space today? Where do you let your ideas run wild?
Other Participants:
*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts
Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.