Zine Review: Zines as Therapy

Zines as Therapy
October Stoner

Zines as Therapy is a full-colour US-sized half-fold zine about the important and therapeutic role zines can play in someone’s life.

I really appreciated October opening this zine with making it clear that Zines as Therapy isn’t advocating zines as a complete replacement to therapy. Therapy can be an important tool for some people, and having more tools from which to choose is a good thing. Which is also why I love that someone made a zine on this topic.

Zines as Therapy opens with October writing about the importance of zines in sharing lesser known experiences as well as how zines can offer candid perspectives on these experiences. They can be used to share types of therapy (very valuable for those with little or no access to adequate therapy), share tips, as art therapy and more.

October also writes about creating zines as a way to process anger, and that certainly gave me a few zine ideas.

The zine has typed text on light colourful backgrounds, making it easy to read as well as pleasant to look at.

I quite enjoyed this zine. A zine about zines (love) with a therapy focus. What’s not to love? October’s writing style is direct while also adding in perzine/personal content that makes it feel even more relateable.

This is a good zine, and I’d definitely include it as a part of an “Intro to Zines” pack for someone.

2 Replies to “Zine Review: Zines as Therapy”

  1. Hey! The link for your zine is no longer working; I would love to use it as support for an Art Therapy group I am running!

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