Detailed Information on Closure by Charissa:
“It’s with a heavy heart that I announce this news. I’m closing the storefront of Wasted Ink Zine Distro at The Hive.
I was given less than 24-hour notice that construction would be taking place in my store. I informed the owner I was disabled and needed more time to get help moving items. She assured me I would have a week to move my items but the construction took place the next day which resulted in paint splatter on my furniture, broken furniture items and decor items, and a thick film of dirt and grime on many of my zines. I’m still assessing the damage of my property and merchandise and will be contacting creators.
Additionally, I was told my rent would increase 25% and after nine months of financial difficulty due to the pandemic, that rent increase isn’t feasible for me.
I want to thank the community for providing such support in the last 5 years and please know this isn’t the end, just a change of plans for Wasted Ink. May we celebrate the wonderful art events, poetry readings, and conversations that took place inside our space at The Hive. Our online store will remain live and we will be looking for a new location when COVID-19 has eased next year.”
Call for Contributors – Virtual Swansea Zine Fest
Zinesters, zine makers, small press writers and poets, indie comic, DIYers – pitch us your ideas for contributions to Swansea Zine Fest 2021, taking place online on Saturday 8th May!
We are looking for pitches for videos about anything to do with zines and self-publishing as part of the programme. This could include:
– reviews of your favourite zines or zines you have read recently
– zine history
– why you like zines
– celebrating particular kinds of zines like fanzines and perzines, or
a how-to video or pre-recorded workshop demonstrating a particular element of zine making
– zine readings of up to five minutes long
– anything else!
We are also looking for contributions to a digital zine grab bag, which will be made available for free on the day.
If you have an idea about how you want to get involved in the virtual zine fest that we haven’t thought about just let us know and we’ll see if it can work!
The deadline to pitch an idea is 28th February 2021, and the deadline for submitted content is 18th April 2021.
Send us your pitch or idea here:
[Image Description: white background covered in pink dots and blue stars. Heading reads: Virtual Swansea Zine Fest 2021. Text in bubble below reads: Saturday 8th May, Call for contributors! Prompts and further info at http:/ , deadline for expressions of interest: 28th February. Twitter: @SwanseaZineFest Instagram: @SwanseaZineFest Facebook:]
Call for Submissions: Pre-Existing Zine
In a year still plagued by disease, those with chronic illnesses and other health conditions have faced blatant disregard for our lives and worth. PRE-EXISTING is a zine about living when others don’t care if you die.
*Deadline is March 31, 2021*
Submissions should be between 100-750 words. All conditions, from chronic illness, disability, & mental illness are welcome. Contributors will be paid $15 USD to be paid via PayPal or Venmo.
[Two stickers: one is a circle sticker of a rainbow. The other is a square sticker of a unicorn that says “Uni-Can”]
Send in email or as .doc file to:
Zine Review: Just Be :)
Just Be 🙂
Just Be 🙂 is a black and white US-sized half page folded twice mini-zine about positivity culture and how it can turn into something detrimental to those dealing with mental illness.
This is a short zine that gets right to the point with the middle spread being purely text. The zine is about positivity culture and how it does come from a good place, but it can quickly and easily have bad effects. These effects can include implying that mentally ill people are at fault for their unhappiness.
This zine didn’t take me long to read, but I did read it several times. It can be hard to shift one’s view on something that appears to do (and can do) some good for people. But it is important to look at the topic, and I would love to see more zines examining it.
A relatively small amount of text led to a lot of time thinking.
There are no socials on this zine, which I think is a shame because the first thing I wanted to do after reading it was check out more of the creator’s creations. (Hat tip to Crash Reynolds for the link information.)
This zine is available for free download, so there’s definitely every reason to check it out. It’s a good one to get you pondering.
Virtual Litchfield County Zine Fest Interest Form
From the Nirtual Litchfield County Zine Fest page…
The Litchfield County Zine Fest is a rural zine fest based in Connecticut, USA. It’s Connecticut’s only zine fest, and ran in 2018 and 2019 in Kent, CT, a town in Litchfield County. Due to the pandemic, there was no in-person Litchfield County Zine Fest in 2020. There probably won’t be an in-person Litchfield County Zine Fest in 2021 either… but! I, as the organizer of the Litchfield County Zine Fest, am planning to run a virtual version of the LCZF online sometime in the upcoming months, using a combination of a platform called Gather ( and potentially Zoom for workshops.
Gather is a video platform with a spatial element. It allows you to create 2D maps that visitors can move around using the arrow keys on their keyboards. When your avatar moves closer to another person’s avatar, your video feeds fade in and you can talk to each other! There are also interactive objects, private and public text-based messaging, and private spaces where only those in the space can hear each other.
The way tabling at the fest would work is that each tabler would have an assigned spot on the map at a “table”. These “seats” are in private spaces that are inclusive of the seats behind a table and the spots in front of the table. That way, you can only hear and speak to the people at your table or in front of your table while your avatar is in that space, to avoid overwhelm.
While you are at your spot, attendees would come up to your table and talk to you, and you could show your zines to them over video and talk about them, then use private messages to send links to where they can buy the zines or arrange trades. Tablers could leave their assigned spots at any time, like at an in-person zine fest.
Busy Mail Day Update
After a week and some with struggling with depression, heartache, and trying to motivate myself to get out of bed every day, I’m starting to find my feet again. This is a quick video to say hello and touch base as I get myself organised. Again.
Depression sucks.
As always, thank you for watching.
Awesome Things/People Mentioned
*Lee The Screever Zine –
My PO Box:
Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
You Can Find Me At:
Sea Green Zines:
Link Tree:
Help Save Wasted Ink Zine Distro
Detailed Information on Closure by Charissa:
“It’s with a heavy heart that I announce this news. I’m closing the storefront of Wasted Ink Zine Distro at The Hive.
I was given less than 24-hour notice that construction would be taking place in my store. I informed the owner I was disabled and needed more time to get help moving items. She assured me I would have a week to move my items but the construction took place the next day which resulted in paint splatter on my furniture, broken furniture items and decor items, and a thick film of dirt and grime on many of my zines. I’m still assessing the damage of my property and merchandise and will be contacting creators.
Additionally, I was told my rent would increase 25% and after nine months of financial difficulty due to the pandemic, that rent increase isn’t feasible for me.
I want to thank the community for providing such support in the last 5 years and please know this isn’t the end, just a change of plans for Wasted Ink. May we celebrate the wonderful art events, poetry readings, and conversations that took place inside our space at The Hive. Our online store will remain live and we will be looking for a new location when COVID-19 has eased next year.”
Call for Contributors – Virtual Swansea Zine Fest
Zinesters, zine makers, small press writers and poets, indie comic, DIYers – pitch us your ideas for contributions to Swansea Zine Fest 2021, taking place online on Saturday 8th May!
We are looking for pitches for videos about anything to do with zines and self-publishing as part of the programme. This could include:
– reviews of your favourite zines or zines you have read recently
– zine history
– why you like zines
– celebrating particular kinds of zines like fanzines and perzines, or
a how-to video or pre-recorded workshop demonstrating a particular element of zine making
– zine readings of up to five minutes long
– anything else!
We are also looking for contributions to a digital zine grab bag, which will be made available for free on the day.
If you have an idea about how you want to get involved in the virtual zine fest that we haven’t thought about just let us know and we’ll see if it can work!
The deadline to pitch an idea is 28th February 2021, and the deadline for submitted content is 18th April 2021.
Send us your pitch or idea here:
[Image Description: white background covered in pink dots and blue stars. Heading reads: Virtual Swansea Zine Fest 2021. Text in bubble below reads: Saturday 8th May, Call for contributors! Prompts and further info at http:/ , deadline for expressions of interest: 28th February. Twitter: @SwanseaZineFest Instagram: @SwanseaZineFest Facebook:]
Call for Submissions: Pre-Existing Zine
In a year still plagued by disease, those with chronic illnesses and other health conditions have faced blatant disregard for our lives and worth. PRE-EXISTING is a zine about living when others don’t care if you die.
*Deadline is March 31, 2021*
Submissions should be between 100-750 words. All conditions, from chronic illness, disability, & mental illness are welcome. Contributors will be paid $15 USD to be paid via PayPal or Venmo.
[Two stickers: one is a circle sticker of a rainbow. The other is a square sticker of a unicorn that says “Uni-Can”]
Send in email or as .doc file to:
Zine Review: DBT Skills Mini Zine Set
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Mini Zine Set
The DBT Skills are a set of four black and white US-sized one-page minis that cover four skills used in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy: DEARMAN, PLEASE, TIPP, and GIVE.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy does love an acronym, and I love that someone thought to turn some of the skills into a mini-zine series.
No space goes to waste in this jam-packed series. Each mini page is dedicated to one letter of the acronym. Along with what the letter stands for, each page is filled with examples of what that particular part of the skill means. When the acronym doesn’t fill all of the pages, Mary uses the remaining pages for additional reflection and validation.
I like Mary’s free-spirited style with plenty of information and doodles packed in. It’s quite full on if you’re having any trouble focusing. But, by the same token, it makes them fun to explore.
I’m already pretty familiar with Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. From that perspective, I’m glad Mary thought to create these minis. They are useful for getting and staying familiar with the DBT ‘tools’. That said I think if I wasn’t familiar, I would still understand them. They would probably have even inspired me to explore DBT as a therapy method. I also quite liked the additions of ‘check ins’ and validations when they were included.
I think this is a great set of minis that is both useful and helpful.