Call for Contributors – Virtual Swansea Zine Fest

Zinesters, zine makers, small press writers and poets, indie comic, DIYers – pitch us your ideas for contributions to Swansea Zine Fest 2021, taking place online on Saturday 8th May!

We are looking for pitches for videos about anything to do with zines and self-publishing as part of the programme. This could include:

– reviews of your favourite zines or zines you have read recently
– zine history
– why you like zines
– celebrating particular kinds of zines like fanzines and perzines, or
a how-to video or pre-recorded workshop demonstrating a particular element of zine making
– zine readings of up to five minutes long
– anything else!

We are also looking for contributions to a digital zine grab bag, which will be made available for free on the day.

If you have an idea about how you want to get involved in the virtual zine fest that we haven’t thought about just let us know and we’ll see if it can work!

The deadline to pitch an idea is 28th February 2021, and the deadline for submitted content is 18th April 2021.

Send us your pitch or idea here:

[Image Description: white background covered in pink dots and blue stars. Heading reads: Virtual Swansea Zine Fest 2021. Text in bubble below reads: Saturday 8th May, Call for contributors! Prompts and further info at http:/ , deadline for expressions of interest: 28th February. Twitter: @SwanseaZineFest Instagram: @SwanseaZineFest Facebook:]