Zine Review: Just Be :)

Just Be 🙂

Just Be 🙂 is a black and white US-sized half page folded twice mini-zine about positivity culture and how it can turn into something detrimental to those dealing with mental illness.

This is a short zine that gets right to the point with the middle spread being purely text. The zine is about positivity culture and how it does come from a good place, but it can quickly and easily have bad effects. These effects can include implying that mentally ill people are at fault for their unhappiness.

This zine didn’t take me long to read, but I did read it several times. It can be hard to shift one’s view on something that appears to do (and can do) some good for people. But it is important to look at the topic, and I would love to see more zines examining it.

A relatively small amount of text led to a lot of time thinking.

There are no socials on this zine, which I think is a shame because the first thing I wanted to do after reading it was check out more of the creator’s creations. (Hat tip to Crash Reynolds for the link information.)

This zine is available for free download, so there’s definitely every reason to check it out. It’s a good one to get you pondering.