Zine Review: A Book of Rainbows #2

A Book of Rainbows #2
12 pages

A Book of Rainbows #2 is an A5, full-colour perzine about witchcraft, magic, and Shei’s personal journey with witchcraft.

I reviewed A Book of Rainbows #1 here (https://seagreenzines.com/zine-review-a-book-of-rainbows-1/) and loved the combination of a perzine with an ‘introduction to witchcraft’ flavour.

Shei launches right into this second zine of the series on the inside front cover. In the introduction, they write about playing with the concept of a Book of Shadows (a witch’s grimoire) and giving it a queer spin with a Book of Rainbows. They also remind the reader that this isn’t a guidebook but rather a telling of a personal journey with witchcraft – which is how they feel people should approach the topic.

From there, Shei touches on the differences between witchcraft, paganism, and wicca. They write about witchcraft and their mental health. A Spell for Chilly Times reminded me a lot of mindfulness techniques I’ve learned, and I love how these things feel connected.

I appreciated the ‘Winter Allies’ piece about comforts during winter and the mention of seasonal affective disorder not only because I deal with SAD but also because we’re going into winter here in Australia. Talk about great timing (not that I need another reason for a comforting warm cup of tea haha).

I also have to mention ‘Witch Block’ in which Shei writes about reminding themself of no needing to do things a certain way to be a witch. This reminds me a lot of the ‘no gatekeepers approach to the zine world in which we need to find our own paths, our own forms of expression, and there isn’t one specific way of making them.

A Book of Rainbows #2 is a great next zine in the Book of Rainbows series. This expands so nicely on how Shei feels about witchcraft as well as how they incorporate it into their world while also keeping the element of introducing the reader to things they may want to look into further on their own.

If you’re at all curious about or interested in the topics, pick this one up along with the first one.