6 Things I Don’t Like About Depression
4 pages (one-page mini)
6 Things I Don’t Like About Depression is a black and white, one page mini zine about six effects of depression Elisa doesn’t like.
Sometimes I will read a zine because I’m really ‘feeling’ it, and today this mini really spoke to me.
6 Things I Don’t Like About Depression opens right up into the six things, with each depressive symptom getting its own page for the symptom title and a few thoughts from Elisa about the symptom. Each page has nicely sized big type so it’s easy to read even in low light.
I must admit I thought a mental ‘Yes!’ when I saw the first thing mentioned: Fatigue. People experience depression in different ways and at different times, of course, but fatigue has been at the top of my list lately, so this felt like a meant to be read. While I didn’t feel each symptom in quite the ways Elisa did, I have and do experience all of those symptoms. That just goes to show that even if we both call a symptom something, that doesn’t mean we all experience and interpret it in exactly the same way.
One thing I wanted to note is how, with the way Elisa writes, it was easy for me to make connections between symptoms. Fatigue can make you feel sad because you don’t have the energy to do things. Sadness can make personal hygiene difficult. So on and so forth, around and around.
I’d love to see a sequel to this along the lines of ‘6 Ways I Deal With Depression’ because I’m me and those are the sort of things that make my heart happy. That said, this is a lovely little zine reminder that you aren’t alone and could make for a good introduction to depression for someone who isn’t familiar with it.