ZineWriMo Day 6 – Try It Out

Hello and a happy Monday to everyone. I’m launching right into the week with today’s prompt.

Try It Out – Try some stream of consciousness writing

I so needed this today. You’ve probably heard of morning pages. I don’t do it every day, but I do find great value in letting go of the tight grip of all my thoughts sometimes and just letting it all fall onto the paper in the chaotic mess that they are. Life feels a little overwhelming right now, and that’s perhaps even a better time than usual to just spill everything onto the page. Even if you don’t know where to start.

Speaking of, if you don’t know where to start with your stream of consciousness writing – write that! “I don’t know what to write” has started me on many writing journeys.

The funny thing is that I was just talking to someone yesterday who said he had so many ideas for a project but he didn’t know where to start. I suggested he get a notebook and start writing it all down…

Pen and paper forever!

How about you? Was this a good thing to try out? Will you use it again? Were you using it already? Let me know in the comments, and/or feel free to tag me on Instagram!

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Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

2 Replies to “ZineWriMo Day 6 – Try It Out”

  1. I find that this prompt helps unblock my writers” brainFreezeover”
    -what I really want to say is…-
    Or a mind map. If a visual prompt would help.

    1. It’s definitely a way to unlock things, that’s for sure! There are so many ways to ‘loosen up’ the creativity. Just have to find what works for you.

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