Call For Submissions: Coin-Operated Press

Coin-Operated Press invites your body positive and body neutral submissions for their latest zine!

The body-neutral approach leans toward the belief that it doesn’t matter if you think your body is beautiful or not. Your value is not tied to your body nor does your happiness depend on what you look like. A body-positive approach says you are beautiful no matter what. Whichever movement you prefer, we want to see your body-based submissions!

We want to see your affirmation poetry, list of coping mechanisms for body dysmorphia, accessibility infographic, skin-care cross-stitch, anti-bodyshaming illustration, cellulite comic, radical self-love essay, acne photography, motivational posters, body hair collage, and so much more!! If it will fit on the pages of a zine, we want to see it!!

Check out the Coin Operated Press website and their Instagram account for more details.

Use the Google form on the website for submissions. Email submissions will not be accepted!