Title: Gag Me With A… Issue Four
Author: PinkPressBlitz
Type: 1/4 page
Author Site(s): http://gagmewitha.blogspot.com
Review: You have to love an anthology zine where many voices come together in a mish mash of art. This zine is chunky not in the physical but in the content. Choc full of stories, poetry and art, Gag Me With A… has been put together by an expert who knows how to fill a small space with a lot of content without making the eyes strain. I’ve found myself coming back to this zine many times – sometimes looking at the art and sometimes reading the words. Sometimes both. This zine and I fit together on a strange level. I hope to get more editions.
Paper Can’t Win by Keith Landrum is my particular favourite of the zine, though Tender Little Mushpots by Eric Guashino comes in a close second.
On the technical side of things, this zine checks all the points: there is a website URL, an easy to read email and even instructions on how to submit work.
STATUS: For Trade