Happy Mail!

Ask and something nice might come your way.


I am soooo happy this little beauty arrived in my post box. I was beginning to think that it has been lost to the postal nexus. This is a part order, part bundle of fun (I love extras!) from MC Sunflower Jones on Etsy. How gorgeous and bright is this lovely envie?


Big fluffy hearts to MCSJ for doing this little thing: leaving a gap for an envelope opener. I love washi and stickers to the moon and back, but when envies are taped up super tight with no gaps, it’s a bit difficult to open them not to mention the danger of damaging paper items inside.


Holy zine bundle, Batman! So many zines – and stuff to go with them!


What’s more is that they are totally adorable tiny zines.


I had to grab myself the Leo and a Capricorn one for Wanderer.



PS. That thing I was talking about yesterday was the possibility of making a video. I chickened out amongst other reasons for not doing it. But I still have plans for making videos.