This is one of those days where it was off from the start. Have you ever woken up with that feeling? As if you were getting out of bed when you weren’t supposed to or had already missed something important in the day.
That’s not to say the day was bad. Our power had to be shut off for part of the day due to some power line repairs, plans were changed several times, and things were confusing in general, but how can I complain about a day that contains such great happy mail?
A whole set of mini-zines came in the mail from Jessica in the US. Mini-zines! <3
Fishpit went above and beyond with this envelope of zine goodness, including the latest Wiseblood.
And, of course, Fishspit showed why he’s current champion of the envelope art.
I think this envelope is the best yet.
That’s all for me right now. I had a small surgery on Friday that put me even further behind, so thank you to everyone understanding that it’s taking me a while to get the email situation back under control. I do have a planner thingy to help keep myself all kinds of organised now, so I’ll be back better than ever when I manage to catch up.