Zine Review: There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow

There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow Zine

There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow
Philip Dearest & Others

If the name sounds familiar, Philip Dearest
This Has All Been Too Much For Me Today, I Think I’ll Go Back to Bed, another zine of mental illness-inspired art.

By its own description,

There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow is an art therapy zine about depression/grief/loneliness.

Philip has curated a number of pieces created by people expressing themselves and their experiences through words and art.

The art is all beautiful, and sad, and heartbreaking… For me, it was a strange combination of wanting to make each and every artist feel better as well as the sad comfort of knowing that I am not alone. The choice to make the words and art white on black instead of the other way around adds to the entire feel of the zine.

The title of this zine suggests something so hopeless, but I think the fact that this is a collaboration is, in and of itself, a hopeful thing.

I only noticed after a few looks through that this is actually volume four, so I’m looking forward to finding volumes one through three.