Happy International Zine Month – Day 9 & 10: Zine Giveaway Time!


Yesterday I postponed the task for day nine so I could think about who to write to. A new day today meant a new task…

Day 9: Write a letter to a zine maker you don’t know.

Day 10: Send a care package to a zine friend.

Well. Those two together gave me an idea…

Far be it for me to squiggle the rules around, but I thought I could combine these two and tweak it into a giveaway!

That’s right; you could win some Sea Green Zines!

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post letting me know which zine(s) you’d rather have: Dear Anonymous or Don’t Call Me Cupcake. (Neither is an option! If that’s the case, I’ll send you zines from my collection.)

Easy peasy.

Open worldwide.

I’ll announce the winner next Sunday (Melbourne time).

14 Replies to “Happy International Zine Month – Day 9 & 10: Zine Giveaway Time!”

  1. Don’t Call Me Cupcake! #2 is great; I picked it up when I went down to Melbourne (I’m based in Sydney) last month.

  2. Oooh a giveaway! I’d pick…Dear Anonymous 🙂
    You know, I’m ashamed to say that despite following your blog (and loving it!), I still haven’t actually gotten round to finding some zines to get and read!

    1. No need to be ashamed! I was actually thinking about people who are readers who might not have been able to pick up zines just yet when I decided to run this giveaway. 🙂

      1. Very considerate of you! Your blog really has opened up the world of zines to me – never knew there was such a variety out there! Once I get my own finances sorted out a bit, I really see myself splurging on a stockpile of zines!

        1. I’m very glad to hear that. Prattling on about zines in the hopes that someone will find something they like is what I am to do here. ^_^ If there’s a zine here that I post about, and you think you’d really love to have it, let me know. I’d love to be the one to start your zine collection.

  3. I’d love to read either as I haven’t had the pleasure of reading one of your zines yet. I think for the purposes of this giveaway I’m going to choose Dear Anonymous.

  4. life is nothing but one impossible choice after another?- soooo… We pick: “Don’t Call Me Cupcake” ! ! ! please please pleAse tT H A N K Y oO U🌟✨💖

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