Happy Mail Monday – Good News Edition

Have you ever had a period time where you kept on getting bad news over and over again so much that when good news finally came, you didn’t know how to react to it?

Yep, that’s been my weekend and week so far. Wowza.

I have some happy mail making my post box exciting over the past week. So many zines! But first, a postcard from Mexico!


I was a smidge puzzled to be getting something Christmassy in February, but happy mail is happy mail! This one came from SendSomething.net – definitely worth checking out.


But check out that sending date, eh? 😉


Ziiiines! See this? This is a prime example of why I keep track of my happy mail. The note says ‘as promised’ but my brain has melted to a point where I don’t remember the promise being made. I’ll be investigating later. For now, thank you!


This bit of happy mail just goes to show that you never know what kindness or when kindness will come back to you. Months and months ago, I was going through my things and found some friendship books. I don’t really ‘do’ those anymore, but I wasn’t going to toss them. So I went onto SendSomething, found people who liked FBs, and sent them out. Lo and behold, a big ol’ stack of zines comes my way months later! Possibly a new snail mail friend, too?

I hope everyone is having a great day and having a wonderful start to a wonderful week. Best wishes to you always. Happy mailing!