Freedom APA is an alternative press association with one expectation: participate where, when and how you are able.
Annual Membership: Participation by sending items for the mailing a minimum of once per membership year PLUS $15 for US membership; $25 for rest of world. Items for the mailing bundle may include mail art, printed journals, chapbooks, zines, cds, dvds, cassettes, envelopes, postcards, bookmarks, recipes, stamps, letters, or whatever you choose to create.
Four bundles are mailed per year. The next mailing is scheduled for June 2017. If you send materials for the June bundle, 22 items are needed.
Membership dues may be sent via Paypal:
Checks may be made payable to: Frederick Moe 36 West Main Street Warner NH 03278.
$6 postpaid for a sample bundle if you’re curious to check it out before jumping in.
Freedom APA is intended to be fun & embrace the spirit of personal journalism, zine making, letter writing, graphic arts, mail art, DIY printing, poetry, homemade music, creative projects, podcasting & more. Freedom APA is not an organization nor will Freedom APA have officers or by-laws. We have however add volunteer “staff” as Freedom APA grows.
With your support, this will be an enjoyable mailing circle project full of creativity. Freedom APA is a postal activity.
Please share with your friends!
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