Call for Bay Area Zine Reviewers – Review for Maximum Rocknroll

Maximum Rocknroll is looking for zine reviewers!

Since 1982 we’ve been bringing you monthly coverage of punk happening around the world. Our review section is one of the most highly read parts of the magazine and every month dozens of MRR shitworkers listen to music on all formats, plow through books and zines and write down their opinions on all that comes through our PO Box.

Currently we are looking for a couple of people to review zines. You must live in the Bay Area and be able to come by the compound in SF every month to pick up your zines, review them in our designated format, and email off your review in a timely manner (a span of about two weeks). We get zines on a myriad of subjects every month all falling under the punk umbrella. QTPOC to the front; and bonus if you can read a language other than English (most non English submissions are in Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese. Spanish, French and Swedish). We are a not-for-profit volunteer run organization and we cannot compensate you, but you will be able to keep all the zines you review.

If you are interested please email me at
For more info on the mag and what we do: