Call for Submissions: if you’d like to hear it // i can sing it for you


We are accepting writing/art submissions for issue #003 of “if you’d like to hear it // i can sing it for you.”

We are accepting writings centered around the theme:

“These places that are not mine.”

Our theme for this issue centers around the spaces and places we design in our minds and our world to make us feel like they are our own; when in fact, they may be anything but. This issue explores amorphous understandings of autonomy, and how our cognitive and built environments contribute to our sense of ownership of our own identities – nursing homes, prisons, illness narratives, sick roles, accessibility.

We are interested in sharing the stories and experiences of QTPOC elders, those experiencing housing instability or homelessness, those living with addiction, those living with disabilities and navigating an unaccommodating world.

First-call deadline is June 1, 2018. Can’t wait to see and include your work.