Call for Submissions: Plump the Post

Plump the Post! is a mail art project centering and celebrating fat queer and trans folks–and submissions are now wide
open! Please send plush postcards, packages, enveloped things, curiosities, and all other miscellany that can be mailed.

Plump the Post! welcomes drawings, photographs, scrawls, sketches, typographic art, scribbles, fiber art, self-portraits, collages, mixed media, sculpture, comics, abstract art, and any other mailed creation that reflects queer and trans fat liberation, however obliquely. Identifying as an artist is not required, being a “good” artist is not necessary, not one bit.

Submissions will be photographed and shared (with permission, attribution, and obscured addresses) via a social media gallery. In Fall 2018 participating mail artists will receive a zine anthology (physical copy) featuring all contributions.

Deadline: September 19, 2018

Email to get the address for mailing your work or to ask any questions. Please submit, please spread the word, and please plump the post!

This project was funded in part by a grant from
NOLOSE (, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

[Image: Background is a colorful array of stamps, papers, pens on a tablecloth with astrological symbols. Illustration of a lilac envelope exploding with pink hearts in the lower right-hand corner. White foreground reads, “Fat Queer & Trans Mail Art/Plump the Post!/” A constellation of decorative dots on the foreground and background.]