Welcome back to another Happy Mail Monday where I share the awesome, fun, and amazing mail that has landed in my post box over the past week. This week sees zine goodness from the northern hemisphere from new zine friends and old!
Thank you so much for watching.
Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:
*Ken Bausert – https://www.instagram.com/passcribe/
*Nina Echozina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com/
*Lavender Witch – https://lavenderwitchband.wordpress.com/
*Lavender Witch on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVf0LtHtNT7NRi4nYyo_Ztg
*TJ Corless – https://www.paperandinkzine.co.uk/product/quarter-life-a-few-weekends-by-tj-corless
*Mike Nobody – https://mikenobody.com/
*Three Urban Spacecat – https://mikenobody.com/theee-urban-spacecat-zine/
*Three Urban Spacecat on SGZ – https://www.seagreenzines.com/check-it-out-three-urban-spacecat-a-mike-nobody-cassette-zine-2/
My PO Box:
Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
You Can Find Me At:
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines
Thank you for your enthusiasm and friendly words about my zines! Every time I see or work with washi tape I have to think of you, so I’m happy to see you liked the washi on the envelope and the zines! 🙂
For both mini-zines I tried some different things lay-out and colour-wise. I also rarely use yellow in my work, but in my mind the word “zinespiration” is linked to yellow, pink, and red, so I had to use those colours. 🙂
And no worries, take your time with the parcel. The one I sent you also had some delay.
Hehehe. You’re so welcome! It’s always a thrill to see mail from you, and thank you for sending mail all this way!
it’s my pleasure 🙂