Zine Review: I’m Learning to Dance Through Clouds

I’m Learning to Dance Through Clouds: A Mental Health Zine

I’m Learning to Dance Through Clouds is a full-colour A7 mini-zine about the path to learning to accept one’s mental illness.

Shei opens their lovely zine as the cover starts – with lovely colourful collage and handwritten words. Shei writes about learning to acknowledge their mental illness and the difficulties in doing so. Shei writes about contemplating the idea of normalcy, medication, and more.

My heart went to Shei with zine and I identified with it taking time for me to accept my own mental illnesses and putting feelings of blame on myself for something I couldn’t control.

As with Shei’s work, this zine is lovely to look at. All the colour and the collage elements have me taking my time with each page to really take in everything. In this zine, Shei even uses different colour pens to add colourful handwritten text as well. Everything felt very personal and warm.

I think there is a lot of value in sharing our stories, part of that value being that we can encourage others in sharing their stories. I’m Learning to Dance Through Clouds is a lovely life story for your pocket that you can carry with you for the times you feel alone.