ZineWriMo 2019 Day 18: Make a Mini-Zine: Prompts From Friends

Hello, zine friends, and welcome to a new week in this ZineWriMo month. Today’s prompt is to…

Make a Mini-Zine: Prompts From Friends

As yesterday was about trying our something new (how can we know what we like and don’t like if we don’t try things?) in regards to zinemaking, today is about challenging yourself and having a bit of fun by asking people to ‘prompt’ you for this zine. Maybe it’s answering a question or making a page based on a theme. Who knows? It’s all up to what people suggest and what you decide to take on.

If you’re a bit more prepared than I am, then you collected prompts from friends (and strangers maybe?) earlier to make your zine today. Unfortunately, I’m not nearly so prepared.

So if you’d like to suggest a prompt for me to put in a mini-zine or perhaps in another future zine, be sure to leave your prompt idea in the comments!

Until next time, spread a little sunshine.

Other Participants:


Novice Zinester
Herinza Syadza

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