Hello and happy day-late Sunday ZineWriMo post. Yesterday the day got away with me – at least, insofar as posting went. I did, however, get a nice start on the prompt for the day…
Make a zine about self-care
I was a little unsure about a self-care zine for myself, but I really wanted to put this as a prompt for this year. I don’t think I need to remind anyone how difficult this year has been, and self-care is especially important in times of stress.
With all the problems with technology I have been having, the idea of a ‘maintenance report’ popped into my head, and I decided to run with it. Kind of checking in with systems to find errors and required updates. I was thinking of the old dot matrix printers as well, but the “holes” on the edges of the cover didn’t quite fit what I was thinking of.
Even so, I had a lot of fun with this and have a start on a zine I’m liking so far.
Did you make a self-care zine or get started on one? Let me know in the comments.
Other Participants:
*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts
Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.