Hello and happy Saturday, zine friends. How are you? Did you celebrate Thanksgiving? If yes, are you finding interesting and creative ways to use your leftovers? I’m really missing pumpkin pie right about now. Hahaha. Along the theme of being grateful and thankful comes today’s prompt…
Make a zine celebrating someone in your life
It’s all too easy to go through life thinking that those we care about know that we care about it. They know, right? In the way we check in, in the way we have our in jokes or our favourite memories… But I think it’s also all too easy to forget that we are cared about. That we are special to someone. The kindest hearts are often those bearing the most pain. So it certainly wouldn’t hurt us to share the love a bit and celebrate those who are special to us.
When I sat down with my mini-zine blank, I didn’t have anyone in mind to make a zine for. In previous years, I always went in with a plan. This time, I sat down… and it was the paper that did it for me. The cover is one small part of a 12×12 piece of paper featuring a blurred but beautiful blue sky and stunningly green grass. Then, like that sun shining, the lightbulb went off in my mind, and I knew.
Unfortunately, this one is a bit of a personal variety, so I won’t get too much into it. Like the others, it’s not finished yet. Still, I enjoyed expressing myself through colour, patterned paper, and washi tape. I enjoyed making a zine, but I also enjoyed making something purely for appreciating this person’s completely unexpected but now so important existence in my life.
How did you go with today’s prompt?
Other Participants:
*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts
Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.