Zine Review: I Have Something to Say #3

I Have Something to Say #3
12 Pages

I Have Something to Say #3 is a full-colour, A6 sized perzine about growing as an adult, observing yourself, and coming to accept the state of the world and yourself.

I think this is the first time I have read a perzine and simultaneously identified with many things while also thinking, “Yes, I remember thinking and feeling those things when I was their age.” Interesting.

I Have Something to Say #3 opens with Shei’s introduction to Shei – a ‘get to know the author’ that covers everything and doesn’t assume that you have read the previous two zines. From there, Shei writes about collective trauma during the pandemic through the eyes of an anxious introvert in a stream of consciousness style. When it’s not forced ‘write as much as you can in three minutes’, I often find this style of writing quite nice as the reader is almost discovering these thoughts as the writer writes them.

They also write about various topics in the realm of the themes mentioned at the beginning. Recognising cycles in their life as well as their complicated relationship to topics like family and country all come around to learning acceptance.

Shei packs a lot of writing into this zine. It makes for a nice, longer reading session. However Shei’s writing is smaller than usual in this zine and I recommend good lighting for ease of reading.

I love a good perzine, and Shei even writes, “After all, there are never enough wonderful humans sharing their insights, experiences, dreams, and adventures…” If you like an introspective perzine, then this is one to check out.