International Zine Month – Days 1 & 2

Hello and happy Friday, zine friends! I hope this post finds you and yours well. My immune system isn’t leaving me be at the moment, hence why I’m starting IZM on day two. Haha. So let’s go for it with days one and two today!

Today’s prompts are:

Day 1. What is a zine? Make a definition in your own words and share it.

A zine is (often) a handmade magazine-like creation of (often) words and/or art made by either one person or a group of people on a topic or topics of their choosing. These are often reproduced on copiers or printers.

Hahaha. I feel like I’m answering a test question (even though there’s no stress in this!), and I know that my answer changes a bit every year. Trying to define what a zine is is a funny exercise that gives an opportunity for a smile as we celebrate how encompassing zines are in topic, creation, and distribution.

Day 2. Zine Rewind! Re-read your favourite zines, a reminder of why you love them.

As always, I’m behind on zine reviews, so I’m not reading old favourites today. However, my favourites come easily to mind, and I love them for so many reasons! The reasons I love all the zines I love. They make me smile, they surprise me, and they remind me that I am not alone. I could not ask for more.

If you have favourite zines, please let me know what they are! I’m always curious about people’s favourites – especially ones I haven’t heard of before!

That’s me for today zine friends. I have all the tea and the tissues and the good things to get back to health asap. Until next time… spread a little sunshine!



Like with all years, I like to keep a running list of links to people/places participating in International Zine Month. So if that sounds like you, then please let me know! Comment here on the blog or send me an email at seagreenzines at gmail


*Echo Publishing