International Zine Month – Day 3 – Virtual Zine Events

Hello and happy Saturday, zine friends. It’s a bit of a mixed bag Saturday here in this patch of Oz with plenty of rain pouring down. All I want to do is stay nice and warm at home, wrapped in my blanket… enjoying a virtual zine fest!

Today’s prompt is:

Look up virtual zine events to attend! When else are you going to be able to attend a zine event in a different city or even country for free?

Okay, so I’m not well up on what virtual events are happening out and about on the internet, but I do have a few bits and bobs for you to check out.

*The Virtual Swansea Zine Fest happened in May, but you can still take a look at the facebook page which has videos from the event.

*Festival of the Photocopier online opened early this year, but the beauty of virtual zine fests is that they can keep going! Check out the site.

*Virtual Portland Zine Symposium is happening this month! Mark the 24th and 25th on your calendar!

I’m sure there are many more events out there. Are you running or taking part in a virtual zine event? Please let me know so I can add it to the list!



Like with all years, I like to keep a running list of links to people/places participating in International Zine Month. So if that sounds like you, then please let me know! Comment here on the blog or send me an email at seagreenzines at gmail


*Echo Publishing