Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,


A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.

Find it here:


Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,


A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.

Find it here:


Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,


A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.

Find it here:

Happy International Zine Month 2024!

It’s that beautiful time of the year again!

Happy International Zine Month!

July is the month of the year when we celebrate all the zine goodness of the zineverse. Zines of all genres, comics, zinemakers, zine podcasts, zinetubers, and so much more. It’s time to get your zine on!

From the creator of IZM:

During conversations with friends I found myself saying “Wouldn’t it be rad if there was an International Zine Month?” Which led to the question as to who could make it official. This was actually a silly question since zines are inherently DIY there was no one who would make it official, but I could Do It Yourself. I figured to pair it with the 24 hour Zine thing would be a good idea and since that takes place in the month of July…. JULY IS INTERNATIONAL ZINE MONTH!

You can check out more on Stolen Sharpie Revolution!

There you will also find the 2023 prompts list to follow along with if you’d like daily prompts.

Plans for the Month

My plans for the month are up in the air at the moment because of health issues, but here’s what I would like to do:

*Finish the as of yet unnamed collab zine I have been collecting pieces for
*Finish the ‘Just Because I’m On YouTube’ zine
*Digitise a friend’s zine for them
*Get a start on a particular zine that I want to finish and have copies made of before my birthday in August

More than that will definitely be a bonus. I wish I could have been prepared for this year, but I’m getting a lot better at chuckling and just going with the flow. Life is going to do what life is going to do!

I’ll wrap it up there for now and wish you an amazing zine month ahead! Be sure to check out IZM posts through the month and please let me know if you’re participating so I can add you to the list here:

**More Zinemaker Participants**


Upcoming Zine Workshop! Whimsy, Visuals, & Verse

Grab your bestie and come along to an evening of playful creativity! You’ll learn unconventional strategies to develop drawings and poetry, with lots of laughs along the way. Our collective creations will be compiled into a zine!

Tickets are an affordable $15 and all materials are included.

Visit the website below for booking details:

Or @siobhanfinncreative

Part of Melbourne Design Week 2024, an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the NGV.

Upcoming Zine Workshop! Whimsy, Visuals, & Verse

Grab your bestie and come along to an evening of playful creativity! You’ll learn unconventional strategies to develop drawings and poetry, with lots of laughs along the way. Our collective creations will be compiled into a zine!

Tickets are an affordable $15 and all materials are included.

Visit the website below for booking details:

Or @siobhanfinncreative

Part of Melbourne Design Week 2024, an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the NGV.

Upcoming Zine Workshop! Whimsy, Visuals, & Verse

Grab your bestie and come along to an evening of playful creativity! You’ll learn unconventional strategies to develop drawings and poetry, with lots of laughs along the way. Our collective creations will be compiled into a zine!

Tickets are an affordable $15 and all materials are included.

Visit the website below for booking details:

Or @siobhanfinncreative

Part of Melbourne Design Week 2024, an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the NGV.