Hello, dear and wonderful zine friends!
No happy mail arrived over the past week, so I’m afraid I took the day for some much needed catching up. The to-do list never ends, my friends. It really never ends.
Today I’m going to do some catching up with the lovely zine prompts we have from the activity list!

International Zine Month Day 8: Zine Chef
Today’s prompt: Cook with a recipe you found in a zine! Post photos!
Darn me and my lack of taking photos!
Believe it or not, I’ve actually taken to cooking a lot more recently. I’m afraid they aren’t zine recipes as such, but a friend did get me Hello Fresh to try out (absolutely not sponsored, but I wish!). I’ve been having a lot of fun even when I’m tired at the end of the day. I’d forgotten how relatively quick and easy some roast veggies are. Sweet potatoes for the win. Yum!
I’ll never forget one of the first zines I ever bought because it was full of recipes that involved using Nutella! So sugar. So yum. Haha.
I don’t actually have many zines that include recipes (though Kendy’s Stay At Home Girlfriend has included some awesome vegan goodness!
If you have any recommendations, please let me know!

International Zine Month Day 9: Mini Mart!
Today’s prompt:
Check out the new mini comic and zine specific shopping platform Mini Mart at https://poopsheetshop.com
It has finally happened, zine friends! So many of us have been talking about a zine-specific online platform for selling our zines, and the amazing Rick Bradford has gone and built one! Definitely head over, check out the shop, set up a shop as a seller if that is your wish, and spread the word! Zinemakers supporting zinemakers! We can do it as well as bring new people into the world of zines.

International Zine Month Day 10
Today’s prompt: Write a letter or a message to a zinemaker.
Mail, glorious mail! (Yes, I’m singing that in my head as I type it.) You have to send it to receive it, and today is a wonderful reason to get some mail into the mail!
I have a big ol’ stack of mail to send out not to mention a long-overdue missive. So this prompt is partially done (on the day, in fact) thanks to emails with my amazing friend Fishspit but also not done because I think sending actual, physical mail is the kind of real deal completion of this activity that I’d like to do.
So if you are expecting mail from me – it’ll arrive… possibly next month due to mail delays. Hehe.

International Zine Month Day 11
Today’s prompt: International Zine Day! Buy, share, or read zines from a country different than your own.
Sharing is caring, and supporting artists and creative individuals is caring, too! For today’s prompt, I decided to pick up some zines I’ve been curious about from Reflective Zines – https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/ReflectiveZines – who are from the US. They create zines about mental health, which is always a topic I’m interested in, as well as other topics as well.
I’d love to know what others did for this fine zine day of international support!

International Zine Month Day 12
Today’s prompt: ZineWiki Day! A Wiki just for zines! Add or update listings.
Today’s prompt is a bit of a tricky one. The Zine Wiki of Awesomeness (http://www.zinewiki.com/Main_Page) is still up and running. However… I can’t edit my page or do anything of the like anymore. I recall this from last year, and I don’t think we found out how to sort out the problems. If I recall correctly, some people don’t have a problem with it? It may be worth having a play in different browsers if you use more than one.
So for this day’s prompt, I’m going to poke around, be thankful to the zineverse the page still exists, and knock on wood that it not only stays but we get it fixed.

International Zine Month Day 13
Today’s prompt: Make up a zine superstition and share it.
It’s a spooky day for the zineverse…
Now I don’t know this for sure, as I haven’t done it myself. I haven’t reached this point in a perzine series… However… I have heard that when you reach the 13th issue of a perzine series, how you write your perzine will influence your life until you write the 14th issue!
If it was a cleansing experience, your life will feel cleansed. If it was an angry experience, things will feel angry until that next issue! If you write from a place of peace and understanding, more peace and understanding will find you…
I’ve only written ten issues of Don’t Call Me Cupcake, so I guess I’ll find out if this one is true…
You can pop over here for the 2020 IZM list of daily activities by Alex Wrekk. (Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!)
Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you’re joining in. I’ll keep a growing list on each post so we can all check out what each other are doing.