Off Topic: Greens Senator To Tony Abbott: “We Want Our Country Back”


I’m just so proud of this that I have to share. This is how Australians verbally bitch slap each other. Context? We hate our prime minister, and we’re really pissed off about what he’d been doing.

“We’re a few weeks out from the Western Australian Senate election on April 5, a do-over after 1370 votes were lost from the September 7 poll.

“Greens Senator Scott Ludlam was one of the likely losers of the initial botched attempt, narrowly missing out on a seat – and yesterday he stood in front of Parliament under the guise of inviting Prime Minister Tony Abbott to visit his state, and gave the Coalition one of the roundest shellackings you’re likely to be treated to.

Read more at: Greens Senator To Tony Abbott: “We Want Our Country Back”

The Truth

Sometimes it’s just better to come out and say these things.

The truth is that I am dealing with a particularly harsh case of winter blues. Depression. SAD. To the point where I have looked into checking myself into a psychiatric unit. Not because I am suicidal, but because I am having a hard time handling life.

I say this not to garner sympathy or for any response, really. I mention it because SeaGreenZines is a project I care about, and leaving this blog bare is something I don’t like doing. But, as much as I love it, this blog has to come after things like showering and eating. Unfortunately.

I know my absence is hardly anything to note, but should someone come across it, they will at least see that I am thinking of it – even if I haven’t posted in a while.

Until sunnier days…