[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD6bIF8bOe4&w=560&h=315]
Hello friends and fellow mail enthusiasts! Welcome back to Happy Mail Monday. This week we have a test of the current international mail delays, a photography zine from a new zine friend, and an awesome comic-making activity pack!
Thank you so much for watching.
Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:
*True Zine Marin – https://www.instagram.com/truezinemarin/
*Stoner Zines – https://www.jacksonstoner.org/
*Crapandemic – https://crapandemic.storenvy.com/
*Amanda Capasso – https://www.instagram.com/post_y2k/
*George Rex Comics – http://www.georgerexcomics.com/
My PO Box:
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
You Can Find Me At:
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines