Happy Mail Monday – Zines & Hot Mess Edition

Today has been quite a day amongst many, and I’m so glad to come home to beautiful zines to share with you.

My PO Box:

Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines


*Craig – 6:08


*Renee Utter Zines – 15:50


Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Jen Payne – https://linktr.ee/jenpayne

*Struthless – https://struthlessstudios.com
*Alphabet Superset – https://www.alphabetsuperset.com

–*Keepsake Zine Contributors*–
*Livor Mortis Zine – https://linktr.ee/livormortiszine
*Magpie Zines – https://www.instagram.com/magpiezines/
*Naturalist Zinester – https://www.instagram.com/naturalist_zinester/
*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/
*Jane – https://www.instagram.com/janenic0le/
*Afterglow Zine – https://www.instagram.com/afterglow_zine/
*Jason Covelli – https://www.instagram.com/jasonevilcovelli/
*Meredith – https://www.instagram.com/bellezza.mjs/
*Soph Warrick – https://www.instagram.com/sophwarrick/
*Laura – https://www.instagram.com/finapaca/
*Mark Woff – https://www.instagram.com/markwoff/
*Caylan – https://www.instagram.com/_askeu/
*Mythical Type – https://www.instagram.com/kali.kambo/
*Dayna Moth – https://www.instagram.com/catmothcrow/
*Craig – (links above)
*The Weird Thing Zine – https://www.instagram.com/theweirdthingzine/
*Becky – https://www.instagram.com/bex_purple/
*Fernando Gros – https://www.instagram.com/fernandogros/


You Can Find Me At:



Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co


Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,


A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.

Find it here:


Call for Submissions: The Imperfect Zine Inside My Mind

The Imperfect Zine is excited to unveil its latest special mini-project, “Inside My Mind,” drawing inspiration from Pixar’s “Inside Out.” This project invites creative works influenced by the characters and emotions of “Inside Out.” It explores how our emotions shape our identities and purpose, underscoring the validity and significance of each emotion in guiding our decisions, actions, and life events. This exploration celebrates the intricate and captivating complexity of human emotions.

DEADLINE: July 27th

More information can be found at:


Open Call for Zine Submissions: Urban Legends

“Urban Legends” is a compilation zine about urban legends, local myths, and folklore. Share your writing or art that’s entertaining, mysterious, spooky, cautionary, weird, or funny.

Submissions are open to anyone in the world.

This is a quarter-page zine (5.5 inches high x 4.25 inches wide), printed in black and white.

You do not have to have any experience making zines to submit content! All experience levels are welcome.

Deadline: Sunday August 18, 2024

Check out Mythical Type for more information.

Call for Submissions: Aussie Zinemakers!

DETAILS: Keet Creates compiling a zine and would love your submission to be included.

TOPIC: Being an Aussie zinester and/or how you got into zines and/or what zines mean to you.

SIZE: Page size for your submission is A5* (portrait) or A4 landscape if you want a double page spread. Do it however you want in whatever style you want (but please stick to the topic and size).

*Email submission to: keet.creates@gmail.com
Please include your name and social deets (Insta, Facebook etc) you want included on the zine

*Deadline: Wednesday 17th July, 2024

Happy Mail Monday – Not So Mysterious Zine Mail Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5of3Yed5OqA?si=G2AJDkDMLEGAHuUL&w=560&h=315]

Hello, dear and wonderful friends. It is time for some amazing mail that starts out mysterious… and then the mysteries are solved. Haha. Check out the awesome creations from around the world.

My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

*Sarah E Hoffman – 6:42

*Ex-Zine Editor – 16:30
*Zine Review: Confessions of an Ex-Zine Editor 1 – https://seagreenzines.com/2023/12/01/zine-review-confessions-of-an-ex-zine-editor-1/

Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*International Zine Month – https://stolensharpierevolution.org/international-zine-month/

*IZM 2024 Prompts List – https://www.antiquatedfuture.com/zines/international-zine-month-2024/

You Can Find Me At:

Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Open Call for Zine Submissions: Urban Legends

“Urban Legends” is a compilation zine about urban legends, local myths, and folklore. Share your writing or art that’s entertaining, mysterious, spooky, cautionary, weird, or funny.

Submissions are open to anyone in the world.

This is a quarter-page zine (5.5 inches high x 4.25 inches wide), printed in black and white.

You do not have to have any experience making zines to submit content! All experience levels are welcome.

Deadline: Sunday August 18, 2024

Check out Mythical Type for more information.

Call for Submissions: Aussie Zinemakers!

DETAILS: Keet Creates compiling a zine and would love your submission to be included.

TOPIC: Being an Aussie zinester and/or how you got into zines and/or what zines mean to you.

SIZE: Page size for your submission is A5* (portrait) or A4 landscape if you want a double page spread. Do it however you want in whatever style you want (but please stick to the topic and size).

*Email submission to: keet.creates@gmail.com
Please include your name and social deets (Insta, Facebook etc) you want included on the zine

*Deadline: Wednesday 17th July, 2024


Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,


A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.

Find it here:
