ZineWriMo 2024 Day 5: Zine Ideas Stash

ZineWriMo Day 5: Share your ideas notebook/planner/Notion/etc

Hello, zine friends! Here we are, launching into day five with a prompt I enjoy because I love to see how people organise their notes and their lives.

I’ve done quite a few different things over the years. A dedicated notebook just for ideas alone, Notion, Trello, sticky notes all over the place… For this year, though, I am happy to have found my happy place: a notebook I made myself that has everything I want and need for Sea Green Zines things. Including my ideas! I show a little bit of it in the short below.


That is all for my day five. Check out this ZineWriMo post for more on the background of ZineWriMo as well as the prompts list. Also be sure to check out the links below to start connecting to other zinemakers.

Joining In

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/

*ShellBob – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*Erica – https://www.instagram.com/erica.engdahl/

*Nina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com

~Let me know if you are participating so I can add you to the list!~

ZineWriMo 2024 Day 4: Make a Zine

ZineWriMo Day 4: Make a Zine: Make a double-sided mini-zine

Hello zine friends! It has been a big day with a big happy mail as well as day four of ZineWrimo, but I couldn’t be happier. I don’t recall off the top of my head the last time I made a zine, but it has been quite a while. The inspiration for this one hit hard, and I’m absolutely thrilled.

I didn’t quite manage to finish it up, but I’m nearly there and very happy to (almost) have a new zine to put out into the zineverse.

I hope you all are having a fabulous day and are feeling inspired.


That is all for my day four. Check out this ZineWriMo post for more on the background of ZineWriMo as well as the prompts list. Also be sure to check out the links below to start connecting to other zinemakers.

Joining In

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/

*ShellBob – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*Erica – https://www.instagram.com/erica.engdahl/

*Nina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com

~Let me know if you are participating so I can add you to the list!~

Happy Mail Monday – Oh My Goodness Edition

I wouldn’t encourage anyone to make a drinking game out of me saying ‘my goodness’, but if you were looking for a video for something along those lines…

So much wonderful mail to share with you this week, zine friends. Including mail from not one but two new zine friends! Check out the zine and sticker goodness.


My PO Box:

Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines


Awesome People:

*True Zine Marin – 4:30


*Kari Tervo – 25:40


*Trey Murder & Mayhem – 33:37


*Moon Rabbit Books – 41:38



Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Crash Reynolds – https://utopiabycrash.wixsite.com/hello

*Portland Buttonworks – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/?

*CrapAndemic – https://crapandemic.storenvy.com

*Ryan Pocket Thoughts – https://www.instagram.com/_my_name_is_ryan_/

*Feral Publication – https://www.instagram.com/feralpublication/

*Rewound Reviews – https://www.rewoundreviews.com

*Billy – https://iknowbilly.com

*Xerography Debt – https://www.leekinginc.com/xeroxdebt/

*Latibule – https://www.instagram.com/latibule_art/

*Johnny Dishwasher – https://www.johndishwasher.org/linktree.html

*Real Tioga – https://www.instagram.com/walterinowego/

*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-2/

*Prompts list – https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/str0t59vev01s2es3t77c/ZineWriMo-2024.jpg?rlkey=fbokhw36307e42pdj4zzqjrpx&st=1u5cge6c&dl=0


You Can Find Me At:




Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

ZineWriMo 2024 Day 3: Connect

ZineWriMo Day 3: Connect with other zinemakers: #zinewrimo #zinewrimo2024

Hello and welcome to a beautiful day three of ZineWriMo!

Today is all about connecting to your fellow zinemakers. Part of the fun of a monthly zine event is chatting to other zinemakers and seeing what they are doing.

So be sure to check out the hashtags:


On your chosen platform! I’m most active on Instagram, but try them out on your platforms to see what people are making. And, of course, check out the list below!


That is all for my day three. Check out this ZineWriMo post for more on the background of ZineWriMo as well as the prompts list. Also be sure to check out the links below to start connecting to other zinemakers.

Joining In

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/

*ShellBob – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*Erica – https://www.instagram.com/erica.engdahl/

*Nina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com

~Let me know if you are participating so I can add you to the list!~

ZineWriMo 2024 Day 2: Plan & Prep

ZineWriMo Day 2: Plan & Prep: Set out your plan and get prepared: markers, music, snacks, & more

Here we are on day two already, and it’s time for plans and prep! Prep is pretty easy for me after months ago when I got some clear containers for all my stationery fun storage. I’m an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ person big time, so it helps to have all my supplies very much in sight when I’m at my desk.

As for my goals this month, I have decided to just try my best and see what happens. So I’m going to focus on…:

*Post every day of ZineWriMo
*Big November mail out
*Zine Project 1
*Zine Project 2
*Zine Project 3

Ah, I know. Secret projects, what are they all about. But I am hoping that making them a little mysterious will help keep me going and help me not feel so bad if anything pops up during the month, and I’m not able to meet all my goals.

My overall goal is what it is every year: to have a fun time without too much pressure. So I hope that happens for everyone this year.


That is all for my day two. Check out this ZineWriMo post for more on the background of ZineWriMo as well as the prompts list. Also be sure to check out the links below to start connecting to other zinemakers.

Joining In

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/

*ShellBob – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*Erica – https://www.instagram.com/erica.engdahl/

~Let me know if you are participating so I can add you to the list!~

ZineWriMo 2024 Day 1: Brainstorms & Thought Gardens

ZineWriMo Day 1: Brainstorms & Thought Gardens: Come up with ideas for the month ahead.

Is anyone else completely unprepared for November?! My goodness.

Alas, time moves on whether or not we are ready for it! But November brings ZineWriMo, and day one brings on of my favourite activities: brainstorming! Or thought gardens, which I also like calling it. (I can’t decide which term is my favourite.)

It’s hiding a little underneath the prompts list, but pretty much everything to do with Sea Green Zines and zinemaking goes into my SGZ notebook (covered with stickers <3).

That said, I have also been known to get out a big A3 piece of paper along with a lot of coloured markers and then just having a go with the possibilities. These are all paper possibilities, of course. You can go digital as well! I haven’t found anything online for brainstorming that I like, but if you have please let me know! I’d love to check it out.


That is all for my day one. Check out this ZineWriMo post for more on the background of ZineWriMo as well as the prompts list. Also be sure to check out the links below to start connecting to other zinemakers.

Joining In

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/

~Let me know if you are participating so I can add you to the list!~

Happy Mail Monday Delay

Hello all! I’m not feeling well today, so we will have a longer Happy Mail Monday next week on November 4th!

Until then, pretty sunset is pretty. 🌺

International One-Page Zine Swap

It’s time for a zine swap!

Rebekka is looking for people to people to join in on an international zine swap. Meet new zine friends from around the world by joining.

Questions? Contact: galaxyart@pasteo.de