Zine Review – The Puss And The Shade: Transylvania Bible #1

The Puss And The Shade: Transylvania Bible #1
M.J. Ocasio & Monstark

The Puss And The Shade: Transylvania Bible #1 is a 7cm x 10.7cm black and white comic about an epic battle between a brave cat and a shade.

You had me at the metallic cover.

The Puss And The Shade is the first of the ‘Transylvania Bible’ mini series of graphic vignettes. The mini opens to a lovely inside cover page and then launches into the dark tale of a cat defending his baby human.

I love it. I’ll come right out and say it from the get go. Everything about this zine really hit the spot for me.

The art style uses a lot of lines, leaving the overall page darker at a glance and thus adding to the dark tones of the story. The story itself is great. Few words are needed, and the artists do a great job of visually telling a story. A cat and a baby but in a grim tale? Wow. It combines the usual cute with a horror feel in both art and overall story, and I enjoyed it a lot.

You may be able to tell I don’t want to give away too many details about the story itself because of the length of the zine, but the ending really caught me by surprise. Of all the ways things could have gone…

This is a great zine in the materials used as well. The cover is a metallic blue while the paper inside is textured. Things can be a touch difficult to read on the blue cover depending on the lighting, but that is a small hiccup and – I think – is worth the tradeoff with the awesome cover paper.

I’m happy to see a “#1” with this because I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next in the series.

I highly recommend checking out this mini zine for awesome art styling, an awesome story, and a well put together zine.