My First Owned Zine

If there is anything I have learned during my snooping around zine creators and communities is just that; it’s a community! So what better way to start getting to know the community than by buying some zines!

There are plenty of places to get zines for free or for trade, but I like supporting zine makers when and where I can. Etsy is a good place to find quite a variety of zines if you don’t care to join right now. It’s through Etsy that I bought my first zine that came in the mail. Yay!

Bum buh da dah!

The Nutella Cookbook by Anna Williams
Buy it at Etsy!

As a maker of awesome peanutellas (peanut butter and nutella bikkies), this zine was a natural buy for me. I love the result, too. The whole thing looks great and I can’t wait to try out the recipes.

I will be featuring each and every zine I receive, trade for, buy, etc here on the blog. So while I don’t have a finished zine for trading at the moment, just let me know in the comments if you are up for a future trade.

The purple moose approves!

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