Zine Review: in the headlights

In the Headlights

Title: in the headlights
Author: Dennis Pomales
Type: A6
Author Site(s): http://minotaurelab.com/

Review: This little zine came, I believe, in the mail through a zine trade. in the headlights is a zine full of almost surrealist art. It’s a full colour zine, which is good because I don’t think it would have worked as well as a black and white. The colour is part of what makes the art. The art is not really my zone/area when it comes to art, but I do like the colour. As an author, I’m all about words, however, and find myself a little so-so on a zine with no words and the art doesn’t appear to tell a story either. (It could be that I’m just not seeing it.)

STATUS: For Trade