Zine Review: Summer Goals List


Summer Goals List
Sarah McNeil

I’m not sure if I’m trying to be ironic or if I’m really missing summer in the midst of a dreary end of July (so sick of winter) by reading and reviewing this zine. Then again, how could I resist such lovely bright colours!

This is where I apologise for my absolutely shocking photography because I have done absolutely no justice to the striking colours of this zine. The first thing I notice about Summer Goals List is the fact that it’s a list zine (fangirl squee). But the second is definitely the vivid colours. Wowza.


See, I’m still not doing it justice. Get a copy so you can check it out.

With a zine like Summer Goals List, I think you have to appreciate the subtle things. At least, that’s how I looked at it. You would think a list is a list, but there were so many ways that people approached this. I love the variety. From simplicity to complexity, from things to get done to things to see… There is a variety that I didn’t expect.

I do have to mention that some of the lists were a touch hard to read. Nothing that got it kicked out of my forever collection, but enough to warrant a mention.

One extra little spesh thing is this:


I feel pretty cool when I know that I have one of only X number of copies or if I know I have a zine from the first print run.



I so have this being sick thing down. So much so that I’m totally over it now.

A different antibiotic, a lot more sleep and more time have me finally feeling human again. At least, human enough to be really pissed off that most of my July was lost to sleep or feeling like crap. Not happy at all, but it’s gone now, so…

Good things are on there way. I have the second print runs of Dear Anonymous 3 and Don’t Call Me Cupcake nearly ready to sew. I’ve also started cracking on Don’t Call Me Cupcake 2. There have been a few submissions for Dear Anonymous 4 as well. Busy, busy!

More to come soon.

Call for Submissions: Bullying Zine


Looking for stories/essays (up to 500 words), poems (250-300 words) and artwork on the subject of ‘Bullying’.

Subject matter may include:
-confronting bullies & the outcome
-friends/peers/teachers who don’t intervene(bystanders)
-dealing with trauma/triggers (coping strategies)
-mental health (depression, anxiety, etc)
-thoughts of self-harm/suicide/revenge
-reaching out for help
-being ostracized (feelings of isolation, worthlessness, shame, grief, guilt, anger)
-what you would like to say to your bullies
-has bullying changed the ways you view peer groups today
-understanding bullies
-forgiveness (making peace)

Did the bullying take place in:
-elementary school
-high school

*Please let us know if you would like to use your real name, an alias or if you wish to remain anonymous (or if you are writing/sending it on behalf of someone you know).

No fictionalized work, please.

Am accepting submissions until August 31st, 2015.
Email submissions to: sandra_reiki_@hotmail.com

Each contributor will receive a free copy of the zine.
Thank you.*

Call for Submissions: Found Photography Zine


Open call for submissions for a new found photography zine (title coming soon) based in Houston, Texas! “Found photos are generally acquired at flea markets, thrift and other secondhand stores, yard sales, estate and tag sales, in dumpsters and trash cans, between the pages of books, or literally just ‘found’ anywhere.”

Please send in a scanned image (JPEG or TIFF preferred, at least 300 dpi) of your found photograph along with 2-3 sentences of where you found it (or if you are feeling inspired, send in a story!) and basic contact info to foundphotozinetx@gmail.com. If you don’t need the original photograph, you may send it to the following address to be included in the zine:

Found Photography Zine
PO Box 920740
Houston, TX 77292

There is no submission deadline. Release date for zine TBD, but hopefully in time for this year’s Zine Fest Houston in October. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about submitting. Thank you!

Help! Zine & Indie Comics Symposium 2015 Needs Your Help!


Just over 24 hours to go! ZICS is planned for August 22-23, and we need to raise the funds to put it on!

So what’s happening this year? Well, we can now announce a panel with “Megahex” creator Simon Hansellman will be in conversation with cult Indie Comic/Zine makers, HTML Flowers and Nicky Minus!

We’ve got Dr Sketchy’s hosting a life-drawing event on the Saturday night! A live show from members of Saturday afternoon’s music panel including HTML Flowers, Gonzovillain, Jess Locke, Nana Vigilante and Bad Bangers!

We’ll be running workshops, including a chance to operate a Risograph! All this plus Poetry slams, conversation panels, and the hall where the best in brightest of comics and zine scenes will be displaying their swag!

Help us make this amazing event happen! Go to http://www.pozible.com/project/197200 even $5 will be appreciated!

Call for Submissions: Dear Anonymous 4


Dear Anonymous has a rolling, open submission, so you can submit your letters at any time!

DA4 is on its way, and you still have time to get your letters in. These letters can be confessionals, but they can also be whatever you like them to be. Write to your life, write to your cat, write to your past or your future… Dear Anonymous is about writing the letters of the things you can’t say for whatever reason.

Basically, you’re right in the 1 – 500 words range, but shorter is better. BUT, this zine is about expression, and I don’t want to force anyone to clamp down on their passion just for me. I’m flexible.

Send letters to theauthor at inkyblots.com If I don’t respond to you within a few days, comment here.

All contributors will receive a PDF copy. (Possibly a print copy depending on my financial status at the time of printing.)

*** Do you have a call for submissions for your zine? Let me know!

Zine Review: How to Save Your Life for Later 1

How to Save Your Life for Later

How to Save Your Life for Later 1
Jess Freedom

First, I’m going to apologise for the pictures to come. I am usually really good with wielding my camera phone, but, you know, stuff. Plus, I totally snaffled the picture above from Jess Freedom’s Etsy store because I cannot find the pic I took of the cover. 🙁

Moving along!

The first thing that is going to stand out to you about this zine is COLOUR! There is so much colour on the cover, and I love it. Here, check out the back:


I opened that beautiful cover to find that the interior pages had been printed on some lovely higher-than-usual GSM paper. It was that little bit smoother to the touch, and I felt like I was getting into magazine territory. Then I came to flip through the pages and realised that that was an accurate thought indeed.

How to Save Your Life for later is filled everything from recipes to poetry, thoughts on parenting to Jess’ interviews with herself (fun idea!). This is not a zine you sit down and read in three minutes (nothing against those – I love them, too!). Even having flipped through the pages, I was still surprised at just how much Jess had crammed into this zine about life. At the same time, I didn’t at all feel like she had too much to say or that too much had been put into the zine. It all… worked.

She talks a bit about intuitive eating and parenting – two things that are way out of my spectrum. That being said, she wrote in a style that kept me reading about these things anyway. Sure, I don’t have kids, but I began to wonder: if I did, would I let them watch TV? How would I feel about that? I have food issues like you wouldn’t believe and am SO not in a place to approach intuitive eating, but I found her thoughts around the practice/philosophy interesting.

At no point is Jess Freedom afraid to state her opinions on things, and I really admire that. My writing/typing is always riddled with ‘a bit’, ‘a little’, ‘perhaps’, etc because I am not a confident person. So I really take notice when someone is able to put things on paper without leaving those ‘wiggle room’ types of phrases. I wasn’t always right on her bandwagon, but I appreciated her presenting her ideas with such strength (but none of that MY WAY IS THE ONLY WAY stuff you see elsewhere).

If you’ve read my reviews before, you know that I can go on and on about contact details. WELL. Talk about the Holy Grail of contact pages. Even my blurry photography doesn’t mask the awesomeness of Jess’ contact page.


There’s even an order page!


All up, I really enjoyed my experience reading this zine. There is a stack of content, an admirable amount of cut/paste/draw work involved, a wide variety of things to read about, a table of contents! While I do feel this zine lends itself more to certain crowds, there are definitely lessons in zine-making to be found for all zine makers.

It’s Thursday?!

So, it’s Thursday. I thought it was only Tuesday.


I’m my defense, I am rocking ear infections by sporting two at once, and I did sleep almost an entire day away. BUT I have been getting stuff done. Like some letter art!


I don’t do a lot of this kind of lettering because it takes quite a bit of time (for me). Still, I love doing it.

I do have a zine all loved up – I mean, read – and ready to review. I will get that up tonight (my time, you sexy northern hemisphere-ers, you) or tomorrow.


Rainy Days

2015-07-13 16.20.49

It’s a rainy day Down Under – perfect for sorting out mail stuff. I’ve been sewing up some copies of Dear Anonymous 3 (I ran out!) for some zine packs I’m sending out. Days 9 and 10 of International Zine Month 2015 call for sending out zine-related mail, so here I am.

On another note: have you ever wanted to be on a trading card? Billy Da Bunny has sent a shout out to the zine community because he’s making trading cards! Of us! How awesome is that? Check out this thread on WMZ to get some more details. I’ve already sent him all my stuff because the idea of being on a trading card is awesome.

Happy Mail! Late But Worth the Wait (?)

Woo! Here’s a squiz at my lovely mail this week.


I bought these two zines (and received extras!) from Melbourne zine maker Sarah McNeil. I had to grab some more of her zines after reading her Updated Report zine (review here!).


This big ol’ zine haul from the Zines A Go Go mailing list! I looove little extras like flair (hehe) and stickers, so this was an extra special package. All the way from the States! Looks like I have a big ol’ stack of zines to review.