Happy Mini-Zine March!

Mini-Zine March

Happy autumn to the southern hemisphere, happy March, and happy day!

No, I am not actually that perky, but hey, it’s the beginning of a new month. Plus, I get to use alliteration, and that’s always a good day for me.

What’s up with the banner? Weeeeeell, I have been saving all my mini (A6/A7 and smaller) zines for a while now because I wanted March to be all about the mini-zines. <3 Some of my favourite zines are itty bitties, and I figured I would reserve March for showering them with my love and adoration.

This means that all of my Thursday/Friday reviews this month will be of mini-zines PLUS I will also be putting up bonus reviews on Wednesdays.

I was going to run some giveaways as well, but my printer is dry and I have to pay for my post box, so finances aren't cool right now. But I'm hoping that the extra reviews and mini-zine focus for the month will still make it fun.

Are you working on a mini-zine? Do you have one? More? Leave a comment. 🙂

5 Replies to “Happy Mini-Zine March!”

    1. Thank you for the link. 🙂 They look lovely.

      I’m going to try to get in a variety of different zines that are smaller than A5 size. I’m looking forward to sharing.

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