Mini-Zine Review: Shakespeare’s Lovers: Twelfth Night

Shakespeare's Lovers - Twelfth Night

Shakespeare’s Lovers: Twelfth Night

Remember that time when I found a shiny orange zine and loved it so much that I demanded then and there that I must have the whole set? Yeah, totally got my hands on the other two.

Shakespeare’s Lovers: Twelfth Night is the second in the series and has another pretty cover – this time in beautiful dark blue. Like Shakespeare’s Lovers: Macbeth, a brief introduction is followed by a synopsis and examinations of the individual characters (three this time: Orsino, Olivia, and Viola).

You have to admire someone who can take a plot as complex as Twelfth Night and turn it into three easy-to-understand A6 pages.

Once again, once I started reading, I couldn’t stop until I’d read it through. I must admit that I’m not exactly a hardcore Shakespeare fan, but I like Bloomurder’s synopsis style and character analyses. I liked seeing Bloomurder’s enthusiasm for Viola’s character, as she’s also a favourite of mine. I think there is something really beautiful about seeing/reading/experiencing something someone has created purely for the love of that subject.

I love Twelfth Night, but I’m hoping to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream come next. <3

Check out this zine series!

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