Epic Happy Mail


Woo! I am using awesome happy mail as an excuse to try the WordPress app on my phone.

Davida of Xerography Debt fame saw my review of Xerography Debt #34 and offered to trade for some zine goodness, and it arrived today. I am so happy. There is so much Xerography Debt going on here, but there is also Meta Zine, which is a zine about zines.

*swimming in zine awesomeness*

There is also even more here. Talk about motivation to keep getting back to normal here on the blog. Woo!

4 Replies to “Epic Happy Mail”

  1. hey cupcake . . . i’m gonna quote (anonymously . . oh you . . . and your anonymous stuff!) here from an e-mail i got from a young canadian woman . . .

    “what i was gonna tell you about was.. i got this email today:

    Your Zine/Zines Reviewed in Xerography Debt #39


    Iā€™m Ken Bausert, one of the reviewers on the XEROGRAPHY DEBT staff.
    I just wanted to let you know that
    Rest (Summer/Fall 2015)
    was/were reviewed by one of our staff members in XD #39 which will be published in a few weeks.

    Some reviews are posted to the XD blog (http://xerographydebt.blogspot.com/), but most are in the paper-only version. There are over 140 zine reviews in the current issue.

    There are also several columns in the issue, including contributions from Davida Gypsy Breier, Gianni Simone, Jeff Somers, Joe Biel, and myself.

    If you are interested in ordering a paper copy, Microcosm Publishing sells direct (http://microcosmpublishing.com/catalog/zines), but your local zine store or distro may also have copies available.

    Please keep sending your zines in for review!

    Send to: Davida Gypsy Breier, PO Box 347, Glen Arm, MD 21057

    Many thanks,


    weird eh?
    and stupid too..
    they want me to buy their zine so i can read a stupid review?
    i never checked to see how much it costs???
    $3 .. plus shipping.. i need to make an account to figure out shipping and i dont wanna do that..
    i dont want to buy a stupid review zine.. ”

    amen sister!

  2. Xerography Debt is for the zine community, by the zine community. If we don’t support one another no one else will. If zinemakers we review can’t help support the zine, we simply won’t exist. As it is, Microcosm and I both provide financial support out of our own pockets (we aren’t making money here).

    If someone is in the rare spot of being able to print and distribute their zine, but can’t afford to buy other zines, we’ll always send a copy of the review by email. You just need to ask. — Davida

    1. Don’t worry about Fishspit, Davida. He likes to stir. šŸ™‚ SGZ is all about zinemakers doing whatever they can to support others in the community.

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