Happy International Zine Month Days 7, 8, 9


Happy zine month!

I feel so unprepared for July. Like I’m running around trying to put on my socks and pants while trying to do ALL THE THINGS all at once. Is anyone else feeling like that?

I went back and forth a bit but decided that I wasn’t going to post IZM stuff on review days because I like the reviews to have the whole day to be the one post of that day. But thinking about that now and actually typing it out… I think I might be thinking about this all too much.

We’ll see how next week goes.

Anyway, because I am still trying to metaphorically pull on those metaphorical socks, I am going to switch things up here just a smiggle. But I will list what is actually listed for each day.

Day 7: Make some envelopes or postcards for postal week.

I mentioned in this post why I don’t do a lot of mail/envelope art, and that still holds true, unfortunately. So I saw this task and wondered if I really wanted to sit and make envelopes that I

Of course, it was only later that my mind registered the ‘or postcards’ part of the day’s task. Oopsie. Still, I want to go with my original plan and give a hat tip to the current king of mail art: Fishspit. Here’s some of his work:

Day 8: Make a flier for your zine to send with trades.

I have one of those!

Dear Anonymous

However, it’s only just occurred to me as I am typing this post that I might want to make a ‘Don’t Call Me Cupcake’ flier. I’ve only ever created fliers for zines that have calls for submissions. I’d never considered to announce or otherwise advertise (in flier form, anyway) DCMC. Hm. I want to get a new cupcake, if I decide to do it, but I’ll post here with any new fliers.

Day 9: Write a letter to a zine maker you don’t know.

One I don’t know? Huh. Well that’s an interesting pickle. Who do I write to…

I could get silly and pedantic, asking the definition of ‘know’, but I’m going to go with ‘someone you haven’t communicated with before’. I’ve only ever written to two zinesters before (keeping along that definition of ‘know’, that is): Sage of Fat-tastic and Ken of Ken Chronicles. I definitely need to write more responses in general.

It’s about 8.20pm right now, and I’m not going to write a letter tonight (I have a date with a novel I’ve been avoiding writing), so I’m going to defer this so I can have a think about who I want to write to.

Until tomorrow…

Call for Submissions: Zine of the Hill

Zine of the Hill


Did anyone else cry when Netflix took down King of the Hill?

Looking for fan art/fiction, conspiracy theories, love poems, short essays, memes, and good memories about one of the greatest shows of all time, King of the Hill. The show went off the air six years ago after thirteen seasons, and is gone (from Netflix) but not forgotten.

Ideally I’d like to have this done for San Francisco Zine Fest 2016, so deadline is ~August 20 (that’s two whole months). Hit me up @ queeranxietybabiezdistro@gmail if you have any questions! Please share with your networks or anyone you think may be interested ^_^

Call for Calls for Submissions: Spread the Word About Your Zine!

Zine Calls for Submissions

Share your call for submissions, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding… If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when you advertise here.

Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing theauthor[at]inkyblots.com or comment below.

Zine Review: There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow

There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow Zine

There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow
Philip Dearest & Others

If the name sounds familiar, Philip Dearest
This Has All Been Too Much For Me Today, I Think I’ll Go Back to Bed, another zine of mental illness-inspired art.

By its own description,

There is No Relief or Release From Sorrow is an art therapy zine about depression/grief/loneliness.

Philip has curated a number of pieces created by people expressing themselves and their experiences through words and art.

The art is all beautiful, and sad, and heartbreaking… For me, it was a strange combination of wanting to make each and every artist feel better as well as the sad comfort of knowing that I am not alone. The choice to make the words and art white on black instead of the other way around adds to the entire feel of the zine.

The title of this zine suggests something so hopeless, but I think the fact that this is a collaboration is, in and of itself, a hopeful thing.

I only noticed after a few looks through that this is actually volume four, so I’m looking forward to finding volumes one through three.

Zine Review: f(ART)

fART Zine


Honestly, I didn’t know if I was going to be able to do a review today. The SAD is strong, the to-do list is long, etc. Not the best space to bring to a zine review.

Then Wanderer went to the post office and brought home a box stuffed full of amazing zine goodness from the awesome LogPoes. (Post about that to come later.) I gleefully looked through the zines inside. I saw this zine, and I knew I had to review it. Today.

Why? Because this zine is a hilarious example of how zines can be anything that you want them to be. And everything you would have never thought of otherwise…

I think you can imagine what f(ART) is about from the title. Rather than deep introspection on the meaning of passing gas, this mini-zine is a cut-and-paste project pairing the intense seriousness of fashion with the level of humour I’m only a little ashamed to say I laughed out loud at.

Then I was still so amused that I took it out and showed Wanderer.

So it might not be hilarious to you if you’re, say, more mature than I am (not a hard target to beat)… Still, someone put in all the time and the effort of cutting out these pictures, pasting them, and then adding little fart clouds and words like ‘toot!’. Even if farts aren’t funny, isn’t that person’s efforts worth a smile?

Here’s a peek at the back cover to get an idea of what’s inside.

fART Zine Back Cover

This is definitely going in the ‘for keeps’ collection.

International Zine Month – Day 6

Another day, another way to get your zine on in International Zine Month!

Add your zine to or update your ZineWiki.org

If you’re not familiar with Zine Wiki, it’s pretty straightforward – a wiki for zines! It’s a massive directory of zines, zine makers, some events and articles.

Zine Wiki

I’d already put up pages for my zines a while back, but I updated them insofar as getting up to the latest issues of things.

You can find Dear Anonymous here and Don’t Call Me Cupcake here.

I still need to go back with exact dates, and the descriptions are a bit lackluster, but I’m counting today’s task as sorted. Phew!

Happy International Zine Month! Day 5 – Organisational Advice Welcome

Last post today – I promise.

I decided to give today’s International Zine Month task its own post because pictures! Also because I have a confession to make…

My zine life is very unorganised. Today’s task?

Organise Your Zine Collection

I saw today’s task and wondered what I’d gotten myself into. My ‘for keeps’ zines have always gone into a drawer. I haven’t ever stopped to count how many are in there, to organise them in any way or even to put them in orderly piles.

Alas, I saw the task, braved the drawer, and took them all out.

Forever Collection

Okay, so my collection might not look impressive, but it is a pile of them. There are plenty hidden underneath the top layer. I put them on my desk and then just kept piling.

Forever Collection Stack

At the moment, I am trying to organise everything. My life, my businesses, my desk, my office… I’m a bit burned out for ideas, though.

Organised Maybe

A basket isn’t the worst idea in the world, but I feel like it’s not exactly the best solution. Or maybe I’m not impressed with myself.

Then again, maybe it’s all wrapped up in the fact that this is only part of the zine organisation situation.

There’s also my zines that I’ve photographed that are ready to be reviewed. (Along with the blue material I use for photo backgrounds, the envelope art/letters I want to save, and a plastic envelope for the extras like postcards and pins that people send along with their zines.)

To Be Reviewed Zines

Then there are the two display stands I used at Festival of the Photocopier and have now started using for the zines that still need to be photographed before being put in the ‘To Be Reviewed’ stacks.

To Be Photographed Zines

Have I mentioned *my* stock? This box has sewn zines that are ready to ship, folded zines ready to be sewn, covers ready to be folded, envelopes, and the tin where I keep my sewing needles and thread.

My Zine Stock

And I forgot to photograph my folders where I store my labels, cupcake stickers, so on and so forth.

I’m not at reality show kind of desperate at the moment, but I would welcome any advice, links, links to pictures. I can keep on top of it all, but I don’t like feeling like everything is all over the office in different places.

So… Thoughts?

Happy International Zine Month! Days 2, 3, & 4


Catching up! I am embracing my lateness and posting up three zine things at once. Mostly because my life is unexciting in a way that makes combining these things make sense.

Side note: Happy 4th of July to US people.

On to the things!

Day 2

Re-read your favourite zines.

I was on the road on day two, but I did bring zines with me. Some favourites-to-be (at the time of reading them). (Switching back and forth in time tense is haaard.) Had I been home to read some favourites, you know they would have been on the 100th Zine Review Celebration Awards: All You Need is Zine Love list.

Day 3

Zine Distro appreciation day! Order from a zine distro.



To know Sticky Institute is to love Sticky Institute. <3 I appreciate the big fuzzy love hearts out of that place. Especially since this woman (I apologise if you I identify otherwise) with highlighter blue hair was totally cool and supportive when I started going into panic mode during one visit.

You can definitely order from Sticky by clicking this link or go onto Etsy to find heaps of zines there. This day is a tiny smiggle of a cop out because AusPost shipping stinks, and I’ve been saving my dollars for an in-person visit soon.

Day 4

Read a zine from a country other than your own.

That’s really not hard to do. While I am able to get more zines locally now, I’d say a good 75% – 85% of my entire zine collection is not from Australia.

Because I read so many international zines, and because it’s been a very rough time emotionally (nothing wrong – I’m a SAD bipolar bear is all), I’m not going to stress myself by making myself read a zine on top of the other things I’d like to accomplish today. I always want zines to be what I want to read and engage with rather than ever being something I *have* to do.

In the end, it probably doesn’t matter either way to anyone but me, but there it is anyway. 🙂

More to come!

Home Again, Home Again


No forks were given.

Four days and hundreds of kilometres later, Wanderer and I are back home from another interstate trip taken to secure our forever home. We are both thoroughly exhausted but close(r) to signing the dotted line we’re looking forward to seeing.

Therein lies the less-than-stellar reasons I am already not keeping up with International Zine Month Posting.

Back to it tomorrow! I really need a decent night’s sleep in my own bed now…

Call for Submissions: Zine of the Hill

Zine of the Hill


Did anyone else cry when Netflix took down King of the Hill?

Looking for fan art/fiction, conspiracy theories, love poems, short essays, memes, and good memories about one of the greatest shows of all time, King of the Hill. The show went off the air six years ago after thirteen seasons, and is gone (from Netflix) but not forgotten.

Ideally I’d like to have this done for San Francisco Zine Fest 2016, so deadline is ~August 20 (that’s two whole months). Hit me up @ queeranxietybabiezdistro@gmail if you have any questions! Please share with your networks or anyone you think may be interested ^_^