Call for Submissions: Zine of the Hill

Zine of the Hill


Did anyone else cry when Netflix took down King of the Hill?

Looking for fan art/fiction, conspiracy theories, love poems, short essays, memes, and good memories about one of the greatest shows of all time, King of the Hill. The show went off the air six years ago after thirteen seasons, and is gone (from Netflix) but not forgotten.

Ideally I’d like to have this done for San Francisco Zine Fest 2016, so deadline is ~August 20 (that’s two whole months). Hit me up @ queeranxietybabiezdistro@gmail if you have any questions! Please share with your networks or anyone you think may be interested ^_^

Call For Submissions: Gaali Gang Zine

gaali gang

Calling all badnaami babes, ‪#‎curryscentedcreatives‬, and rule-breaking desis of all tangled subcontinent identities – the very first edition of gaali gang zine is seeking submissions!

We accept any sort of art or writing, including prose, essays, poetry, reviews, drawings/doodles, short stories, photography, critiques, interviews, or anything else you can think of! Submissions are open to anyone who identifies as Desi or South Asian, in any sort of way possible. It doesn’t matter where you were born or what languages you do (or don’t) speak. This zine is an inclusive space for individuals regardless of age, gender identity, sexuality, religion, color, or background.

Please submit pieces for consideration to by August 31 at midnight. Feel free to email us if you have any questions or share and spread the word!

gaali gang is a radical zine focused on sharing the experiences of diasporic South Asian identities, no matter how non-traditional or rebellious they may be. Our first issue will be available in fall 2016.

Follow us @

Call for Zine Submissions: Crush Stories & Advice

This is a survey/interview style, and you don’t even have to worry about sending an email! – Nyx

Spring Flower

I’m working on a zine about how to deal with a crush and asking someone out IRL.

Share your advice and crush stories by August 14th. If I use anything you write, I’ll send you a copy of the zine! I make no guarantees I’ll be able publish every response I get.

– Molly, @mollyampersand

Fill out the form here.

Zine Review: Fat is Beautiful

Fat is Beautiful Zine

Fat is Beautiful
Crystal Hartman

Fat is Beautiful is one of those zines that made me punch my fist into air and say, “Yes!” I try not to let myself riled up about these things, but if I hear ‘it’s all calories in, calories out’ one more time… If was all just calories, then conditions like PCOS couldn’t possibly have ‘makes it harder to lose weight’ as a symptom.

Anyway, not the place for a soapbox, Nyx…

Fat is Beautiful is not a blind foray into ‘love and love alike’ (though they have their space, too). Crystal comes in firm, strong, and – even better, supported by facts and statistics.

Mmm. Statistics.

This zine is full of pieces that address the oft-touted health arguments against weight, facts about weight, calories, etc, and even the politics of facts.

It was fascinating to me to have my own preconceptions challenged not by lecturing but by showing alternate causes to the effects that we are all but beaten over the head with. For example, fat people (yep, I am doing as encouraged and using the ‘f’ word) have more health problems. However, no one mentions how much is blindly blamed on weight rather than being investigated/prevented/treated.

A recent study found that far women are a third less likely to get breast exams, gynecologic exams, or Pap smears.

Something to think about. (Again, I recall my own experiences of non-treatment – even by a female doctor.)

As much as this zine could have come off as a complete rant and nothing else, it’s actually educational and well-based in multiple resources that are listed in the back. (And, if you’ve been reading here for a while, you know how much I love it when a zine encourages me to further investigations outside the zine itself.)

The Fat Liberation Manifesto is beautiful.

My one nitpick with this zine is that some of the text has been cut off the edges of the pages to the extent that it did cause some pauses in reading to sort out exactly

Even so, this is a great zine to remind yourself that you’re not alone and/or educate yourself about not listening to everything the mainstream media tells you about weight…

Zine Review: Woolf Pack #4

Woolf Pack 4 Zine

Woolf Pack #4
Rebecca Cheers, Chloe Reeson, Alice Jane, Izzie Austin, K. Queene, Amelia ‘Dashurie’ Moss, Talia Enright

So much colour! <3

I certainly don't hold it against a zine to be in black and white (that would be silly, considering), but I can't help but notice when a zine goes full colour. And wow does it serve this zine so well. There is such vibrancy and passion in the words that the colour printing only adds to that.

Woolf Pack #4 opens with a gorgeous, colour 'merbabes' comic encompassing the ideas (I think) that being yourself doesn't mean you don't have to be alone and how today's technologies make it even easier for us to connect. I don't think I've been so 'welcomed' to reading a zine. Lovely stuff.

I don't usually point out specific stories even in collaborations because it's about the zine as a whole for me – and this zine is no exception in that I have enjoyed each and every piece in this.

Still, I have to mention the piece 'Vagina Christmas' because it spoke volumes to me in a way nothing has before. Rebecca Cheers talks about many things surrounding her experiences with vaginismus. At one point, she writes:

I made that crack about it sounding like ‘vagina Christmas’ every time I spoke to a new doctor, because I thought it mad me sound less sad.

In the moment I read that, I felt less alone in the world. How many times had I made jokes at my own expense, about my own, painful, experiences? (My personal one is the Pap smear treasure hunt jokes…) That one moment of connection made me think about the whole piece in a more personal way – especially regarding sexual education (or lack thereof).

I love being inspired to think without being told I’m an idiot.

The great moment for me with this zine is when I was nearing the end, really enjoying everything, and then I realised that the comic I enjoyed so much at the beginning utterly applied to my ‘feels journey’ with the zine itself. Woolf Pack #4 has left me feeling that much more able to be part of this community of awesome ‘merbabes’.

Woolf Pack #4: Pick up a copy.

A Funny Thing Happened at the Post Office Today…

The title is meant to be a play on A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, but they really have nothing to do with each other…


This wonderful pack of zine goodness came into my life, but not so plainly as to be simply put into my post box. Take a look at the picture, and you might see why…

Funny Story Happy Mail

So about that funny thing that happened:

I wasn’t going to go to the post office, but it was already entirely possible I was sending a package too late for it to reach my friend, Wolf, in time for her birthday. (Procrastination wins again. Sigh.) I briefly thought about sending Wanderer in to send it off, but I got off my lazy backside and did it myself.

I was lucky enough to get in on a quiet time, so I walked right up to the counter. The guy greeted me warmly, as pretty much everyone there knows me now (for sending a lot of stuff overseas). He double-checked all the customs forms, asked if I wanted tracking…

When I’d walked in, I’d been absolutely set on not getting tracking for penny-pinching reasons as well as not being impressed with the service in the past. Yet, when presented with all the options, I decided to get it anyway. The options were to get tracking updates sent to my phone or my email. I made a face and said that email would be just fine.

He asked me for my email address, to which I began to reply, “The Author-”

His head shot up faster than a meerkat coming to attention. “You’re The Author?”

I blinked a little and slowly said, “Yes…”

Without another word, he literally (and yes, I know how to use that word properly) ran out to the mail room. I looked around, a million possibilities running through my head. Not any that made sense, though. I mean, I was an author, but I didn’t think they knew that. Besides, what bearing could that possibly –

He rushed back in and handed me a thick envelope with all the eagerness and glee of a child handing over an art project. “You’re The Author!”

It only took me a moment to realise that the envelope had arrived, but they hadn’t known which post box to put it in because there wasn’t one. Oops!

Oh, he was absolutely thrilled. He talked and talked about how it’d come in, how they hadn’t wanted to send it back straight away because you never know and it’d already come so far, how they had very nearly put it in the Bendigo Writer’s Club post box on the off chance it was for one of them. He was absolutely thrilled, and I couldn’t help but laugh right along with him.

“What are the chances?” I asked, chuckling as I looked at the envelope. “Not just that I’d come in but that you’d end up needing my email address.”

“I know!” He was so, so excited. He even said that those things just didn’t happen every day and how he’d have to go get a lotto ticket. Then he became even more excited about the woman who was on lunch break because he would be the one who got to tell her that they’d finally found The Author.

What a day.

I can’t stop smiling when I think about it. Here’s to things reaching their destination no matter what.

PS. This is absolutely by no means taking a shot of Jess Freedom, who sent this envelope of awesomeness.

Beautiful, Colourful Happy Mail

Side note: I do usually post happy mail pictures on the day I actually receive the mail on Instagram (@seagreenzines). Sorry if you’ve already seen some or all of these pics.

I have been spoiled so much with happy mail recently. So many positive, lovely things coming in to really make my week – my birthday week! Hehehe. I feel incredibly fortunate to be a part of such a generous community. I need to lift my game so I can respond quickly.

Postcard from Tasha Happy Mail

How cool is this postcard from Tasha? I love it! It makes me want to make Zine Ninja postcards. Even better, Tasha wrote such an amazingly wonderful message on the back (I’m not comfortable sharing without express permission to do so) that made me feel so good about this site.

Postcard Bundle Happy Mail

This isn’t zine mail, but I love to share all the mail that comes in. Courtesy of SendSomething comes this lovely envie with postcards and a cute handmade booklet with my name on it.

I wanted to make a special point with this in that, in the letter, the sender says she hopes I like the postcards but they could line the birdcage if not, and she’s just beginning making the books so she hoped I didn’t mind…

Of course I don’t mind! It made me sad to think that this lovely person who had taken the time to put this together and has sent me something with my name on it (spelled correctly IN GLITTER LETTERS) would ever think that I might lift my nose at something she’d sent me.

Whether it’s a note or a box of of zines, I absolutely adore mail. No, I don’t keep every sticker, every postcard, or even every zine. But if they don’t make my heart sing, I will only ever pass them on to someone who might enjoy them more than I do.

I really hope that no one ever, ever feels like whatever they send isn’t good enough or might not be given the respect it deserves.

Colourful Zine Pack Happy Mail

Hello, zine community! Haha. I love this so much because it came from a complete stranger who got my post box not from the site but from a mutual zinemaking friend. Six degrees of separation stuff for the win. And what a fun assortment of goodies! There are some absolutely adorable itty bitty envelopes of itty bitty things that makes me want to start making mail videos. For now, pictures with my hand in them for some scale.

Itty Bitty Envelope 2

Itty Bitty Envelope

Itty Bitty Zine 2

Itty Bitty Zine

A very heartfelt thank you to each and every person who has sent me happiness to my post box!