It’s the first day of August, but I’m giving myself a pass for that somewhat last-minute trip away. Now it’s time for one big ol’ catch up session.
Day 23: Make a One-Page Zine
I called for a rain delay on this one last week. Here is the photo proof I finished!
I haven’t made a one-page zine for such a long time. I need to make them more often.
Day 25: Organise a zine event! Big or small.
I think we all know that me trying to organise something right now would probably end in disaster. Haha. Anything more anyway. However, if there are any events – big or small – around you, please let me know. 🙂
Day 26: Teach a friend or family member about zines.
I’m going to go past the obvious (the reason this site exists) and say that I have done this in the past. I wish I had pictures to share. I set up a little ‘intro to zines’ session with a few of my friends to show them my entire zine collection as well as how to make a one-page zine.
It’s been making me think more about different kinds of posts to make in the future…
Day 27: Submit something to a compilation zine.
This is one thing that I’ve been regretting over the past few months. I put up a lot of calls for submissions, but I haven’t made the time to submit to them. (Good intentions and all of that.) Collaboration is a big part of zine culture, and I definitely want to embrace it.
Day 28: Cook with a recipe from a zine or cook zine.

The very first zine I bought years ago was a zine all about making delicious things with Nutella! You can bet I got right into that. 🙂 I don’t think I’ve read any other zines that are dedicated to recipes. Hm. I think I need to remedy that.
Day 29: Post a photo of you with your zine or zine collection.
This post is coming so late(r than usual) because I have been having a horrid time trying to upload photos. I know that’s no fun, so I’ll post this up again. My zinester trading card. 🙂

Day 30: Read some zines!
Been there, will always be doing that. 😉
Day 31: HallowZINE Remember zines and zinesters that are no longer with us.
I haven’t known any zinesters who have passed personally, but I raise my glass to all those who have gone before. Especially those who have created in the face of threat and fear.
There we have it for International Zine Month 2016. I promise to be much more organised next year. 🙂