Call for Zine Submissions: Crush Stories & Advice

This is a survey/interview style, and you don’t even have to worry about sending an email! – Nyx

Spring Flower

I’m working on a zine about how to deal with a crush and asking someone out IRL.

Share your advice and crush stories by August 14th. If I use anything you write, I’ll send you a copy of the zine! I make no guarantees I’ll be able publish every response I get.

– Molly, @mollyampersand

Fill out the form here.

Call for Calls for Submissions: Spread the Word About Your Zine!

Zine Calls for Submissions

Share your call for submissions, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding… If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when you advertise here.

Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing theauthor[at] or comment below.

Zine Review: Things I’ve Learnt From Moving To/Living In Melbourne

Things I've Learnt From Moving to Living in Melbourne Zine

Things I’ve Learnt From Moving To/Living In Melbourne
Lydia Martin

As someone who has started over, I have a special place in my heart for stories of moving to new places and the lessons learned from it. That’s why Things I’ve Learnt From Moving To/Living In Melbourne is a zine I picked up based on title alone…

Hey, it happens. Hehe.

As you may have guessed, this zine is filled with reflections on life living in the big smoke – put in numbered list form, which is a big plus to we list lovers. Lydia talks about the money, the people, the shift in thinking, and the students – oh, the students! (They’re everywhere…)

I love that that the first thing on Lydia’s list is:

I’m not as scared as I thought I’d be.

I identify so utterly with her when she writes about how so many of her protests regarding moving to Melbourne were based in fear. She really hits it when she encourages readers not to let their fears stand in there way. And while she may put one foot on a soap box, she doesn’t go into a lecture about it.

Number three on the list

There’s always so much to do in Melbourne, you feel lazy when you don’t do anything.

struck a chord with me as well. I may not live in Melbourne, but there is often so much happening in Bendigo… I enjoyed identifying with so much in a zine that I thought might be a little Melbourne-centric.

Lydia not all caution and ‘things I’ve learned the hard way’. There are positives, fun things, and I can’t think of a better note to end on than the one she chose, but I won’t spoil it…

All up, I think this is a great read whether you have anything to do with Melbourne or not. It’s about striking out on your own and figuring out a new place, and I think there are plenty of people hot there who can identify with that.

Zine Review: Why Am I Even Here?

Why Am I Even Here Zine

Why Am I Even Here?

When you only review two zines a week, you can still be reviewing zines from trades made in February… 😉

I met Tegan thanks to Bloomurder, and she was kind enough to trade me a couple of her zines.

Why Am I Even Here? is a travel zine, but not like any I have read before. (Admittedly, I haven’t read a lot of travel zines.) Rather than a step-by-step or ‘go here and do this’ sort of travel zine, it’s more introspective – even poetic. Passing thoughts while exploring the world without the intense focus on the place itself. Rather, the focus on the experience of the place. One line in particular hit me in such a way that I stopped to think about it for a while.

…I hate it when people stare and ruin perfect moments with their eyes.

There is a delicacy that carries through her words into every aspect of the zine. Her handwriting and even the simplicity of her biggest illustrations give this entire zine the feeling of something akin to shyness.

The best simile I can think of is that this zine is like a flower – don’t come crashing in and expecting a backpacker’s guide. If you’d like something to sit with and think about with a few landmarks to place you, then pick up this zine.

Introducing: Zine Video Page!

Today I have just a quick post to introduce a page I’ve been wanting to put together for a while:

Zine Videos


This page is just a small collection of various zine-related videos I’ve found on YouTube and in other places. I thought it would nice to have one page to serve as a playlist of sorts.

I will be adding to it in the future, so if I’ve missed one of your favourite videos, please let me know. I’d love to add to the collection.

Happy International Zine Month! Days 25 – 31

It’s the first day of August, but I’m giving myself a pass for that somewhat last-minute trip away. Now it’s time for one big ol’ catch up session.

Day 23: Make a One-Page Zine

I called for a rain delay on this one last week. Here is the photo proof I finished!



I haven’t made a one-page zine for such a long time. I need to make them more often.

Day 25: Organise a zine event! Big or small.

I think we all know that me trying to organise something right now would probably end in disaster. Haha. Anything more anyway. However, if there are any events – big or small – around you, please let me know. 🙂

Day 26: Teach a friend or family member about zines.

I’m going to go past the obvious (the reason this site exists) and say that I have done this in the past. I wish I had pictures to share. I set up a little ‘intro to zines’ session with a few of my friends to show them my entire zine collection as well as how to make a one-page zine.

It’s been making me think more about different kinds of posts to make in the future…

Day 27: Submit something to a compilation zine.

This is one thing that I’ve been regretting over the past few months. I put up a lot of calls for submissions, but I haven’t made the time to submit to them. (Good intentions and all of that.) Collaboration is a big part of zine culture, and I definitely want to embrace it.

Day 28: Cook with a recipe from a zine or cook zine.

Nutella Zine

The very first zine I bought years ago was a zine all about making delicious things with Nutella! You can bet I got right into that. 🙂 I don’t think I’ve read any other zines that are dedicated to recipes. Hm. I think I need to remedy that.

Day 29: Post a photo of you with your zine or zine collection.

This post is coming so late(r than usual) because I have been having a horrid time trying to upload photos. I know that’s no fun, so I’ll post this up again. My zinester trading card. 🙂


Day 30: Read some zines!

Been there, will always be doing that. 😉

Day 31: HallowZINE Remember zines and zinesters that are no longer with us.

I haven’t known any zinesters who have passed personally, but I raise my glass to all those who have gone before. Especially those who have created in the face of threat and fear.


There we have it for International Zine Month 2016. I promise to be much more organised next year. 🙂

Done, Doing, Dreaming: The Slow Recuperation Edition

Before I get into any of this, I want to say a the most heartfelt thank you to everyone who read and responded to Love From Adelaide Part Two.

When I wrote that, I was utterly exhausted, completely stressed with all the numbers, signatures, and such needed just to get things started in the hopes of building a house, and simply feeling overwhelmed with the world. I am unashamed to say that I am a sensitive soul, and there was a lot going on in Adelaide.

Being tired might as well be the same as drunk for me subtract the fun and flirting. So while Wanderer already snoozed away in the hotel bed, I typed that post with the ‘not good enough’ cloud surrounding my head. My childhood taught me that I don’t deserve the basics, let alone anything so wonderful as a home to truly call my own. So my not-yet-untrained childhood mind decided to rant at me about being a failure when it comes to consistency here.

Thankfully, I was able to get some sleep and read some wonderful comments to remind me that no one around here is expecting perfection of me – except for me.

So many thanks to everyone. I feel like I could use a few solid days sleep still, but I’m already back in my less stimulating bubble so I can calm down for a while.

Calls for Zine Pieces Submissions


*I’m done posting about Adelaide! Though I loved it there. I’m excited to know that, next year, I’ll be a shorter train ride away from Adelaide than I am from Melbourne now.

[Pretend my connection is working and this is where the picture of my mic resides]

*My beautiful microphone arrived while I was away! Only when I saw it did it occur to me that my enthusiasm may have overshot the more practical timeline for podcasting… However, I do still have zines to record, so it’s still of use.
*I also finished my mini-zine. Pictures will be in my IZM post to come soon…


*Another week, another email catch up. If you’ve emailed me, I will get back to you within the next 48 hours.
*I am loving the wonderful happy mail that has come in while I was away. I want to take proper pictures, hence the slight delay.

Audio Zines

*I am still working on editing the audio for DCMC 1. I really need to learn to delegate…
*Dear Anonymous 5 is still in the works, so feel free to send those letters.
*I’m working on a special issue of Don’t Call Me Cupcake for #5…
*New zine submission calls to come soon!
*I’m also working on what I hope will be an awesome new page here on the website. More details soon, because I’m secretive that way. 😉


*It’s August! How is it August already? I still don’t know what to do for a birthday celebration thing. Suggestions?
*I’m still dreaming of saving up for a badge machine, but it’s definitely on the back burner for now.